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The picture is part of the series Soul Representation Surrealism. If the observer observes the details carefully, he can notice that the clouds in the background have a silhouette similar to that of the crocodiles. So the clouds become the stones on which the rabbit can step as part of its journey, and finally the stairs become crocodiles, and as the last step a stone or a hole is visible, which wants to represent the rabbit's cavity in an abstract way. It is abstract, as it is surrounded by dashed lines, thus it is indicated by the geometric solution that if the rabbit jumps into the hole, it is not known exactly what it will find there. The exact meaning, the stairs of fear, can also be interpreted from the title of the picture. So the journey itself is about facing our fears and overcoming them. Also about the quality of fear itself, since our fears are often clouds, illusions, unreal barriers raised by ourselves, this is what the clouds symbolize. Furthermore, the crocodile, as actually terrifying forms, presents the conflict itself, the assumption of our decisions. The rabbit hole symbolizes that if we follow this psychological path, we often find ourselves in a new life situation that we did not expect.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Soul Depicting Surrealism series

Theme & Symbolism

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suggested for:  kids room, kitchen, bathroom

Theme and Symbolism

"The Flower of Life symbol consists of many contiguous circles. The starting point is the circle in the middle, which is surrounded by six more circles. In the center of the circle is a simple geometric shape, which suggests that originally all life arose from a single source. The characteristic circular pattern of the Classic Flower of Life symbol consists of 19 circles, twelve semicircles and 18 sixth circles. The repeated pattern decoration of the flower of life can be continued ad infinitum. Although the Flower of Life is a self-contained form, it is infinitely expandable and therefore represents the infinite flow of life. The painting was inspired by my encounter with this symbol, as well as a moment spent in nature, when I was lying in the grass among yellow flowers and looking up at the sky from below. From this angle, I got the feeling that the world and the flowers were smiling at me."  Melinda

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Soul Reflecting Surrealism series

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suggested for:  kids room, kitchen, bathroom

Theme and Symbolism

"The Flower of Life symbol consists of many contiguous circles. The starting point is the circle in the middle, which is surrounded by six more circles. In the center of the circle is a simple geometric shape, which suggests that originally all life arose from a single source. The characteristic circular pattern of the Classic Flower of Life symbol consists of 19 circles, twelve semicircles and 18 sixth circles. The repeated pattern decoration of the flower of life can be continued ad infinitum. Although the Flower of Life is a self-contained form, it is infinitely expandable and therefore represents the infinite flow of life. The painting was inspired by my encounter with this symbol, as well as a moment spent in nature, when I was lying in the grass among yellow flowers and looking up at the sky from below. From this angle, I got the feeling that the world and the flowers were smiling at me."  Melinda

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Soul Reflecting Surrealism series

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Theme & Symbolism

As part of the "Soul Reflecting Surrealism Series," the artwork "Leafs Climbing Towards the Sky" (55 x 86 cm) captures the vibrant life and movement within nature. Leaves reach skyward, seeking sunlight, while a pair of hand-shaped leaves bend towards the water, seemingly thirsty and longing for warmth. The cloud and its reflection in the water take on the form of a flying figure, emphasizing the interconnectedness and communication that exists in nature. This interplay of endless movement, lightness, and eternal change creates a sense of profound beauty.

These artworks are just glimpses into my exploration of the surreal and symbolic realm, where nature and human experience intertwine, inviting viewers to reflect, question, and appreciate the wonders that surround us.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Soul Depicting Surrealism series

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This captivating mixed technology painting combines digital and oil painting techniques to create a unique and visually striking self-portrait of the artist. The focal point of the artwork is the artist's face, which is depicted looking up with closed eyes and a serene expression of enjoyment. The artist's face is rendered with a pale complexion, emphasizing a sense of delicacy and vulnerability. Her lips are painted in a vibrant raspberry color, adding a pop of boldness and sensuality to the composition. The contrast between the pale complexion and the vivid lip color creates a visually striking effect, drawing attention to the artist's mouth and adding a touch of playfulness to the overall expression.

Surrounding the artist's face, blurred out lines create a sense of movement and energy. These lines add a dynamic element to the composition, suggesting a sense of the artist's creative process and the flow of ideas and emotions. The blurred lines also create a sense of depth and dimension, enhancing the overall visual impact of the artwork.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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"Happy Hour" is a remarkable handmade ceramic sculpture that combines realism and symbolism to create a captivating narrative. Colored with natural ashes, this thought-provoking piece explores the complexities of human emotions and challenges societal norms.

At first glance, the sculpture portrays the head and bust of a male figure, instantly drawing you into its enigmatic presence. But it is the controversial expression on his face that truly intrigues. With a mixture of conflicting emotions, the sculpture captures the inner turmoil and contradictions that exist within us all.

It challenges us to contemplate the multifaceted nature of human existence and to question the facade of happiness that often permeates our lives. It serves as a reminder that beneath the surface of seemingly content individuals, there may be a world of conflicting emotions and unspoken truths.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The Familiar Alien is a thought-provoking masterpiece that challenges our perceptions and encourages us to delve into the depths of our own consciousness. Its surrealistic elements and symbolic choices leave us captivated, inviting us to contemplate the mysteries of the human experience and the interconnectedness of all things. 

At first glance, the sculpture's head immediately draws attention. Reminiscent of Putyin, it intriguingly blurs the lines between familiarity and otherworldliness. This symbolic choice challenges our preconceived notions of power and authority, urging us to question the nature of leadership and its impact on society.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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At first glance, the sculpture may appear unremarkable, depicting an everyday individual. But it is in this very simplicity that the true power of "Time to Shine" lies. It serves as a reminder that within every seemingly ordinary person, there is a spark, a talent, or a dream waiting to be unleashed.
The title, "Time to Shine," evokes a sense of opportunity and empowerment. It speaks to the moment when one realizes their own potential and decides to step into the spotlight, embracing their unique gifts and abilities. This sculpture serves as a visual representation of that transformative moment, inspiring viewers to embrace their own journey of self-discovery and self-expression.

"Time to Shine" is a celebration of the extraordinary potential that resides within each of us, waiting to be discovered and shared with the world. It reminds us that no matter how ordinary we may appear, we all have the ability to make a meaningful impact and leave a lasting legacy.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Introducing "Positive Burnout," the captivating inaugural piece of a mesmerizing series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract masterpiece delves into the depths of the human experience, exploring the delicate balance between ambition and exhaustion.
At the center of the sculpture lies the head and bust of a female figure, her form beautifully abstracted. The choice to depict a female figure symbolizes the strength and resilience that women possess, while also acknowledging the unique challenges they face in a demanding world.

Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an ethereal quality, evoking a sense of impermanence and introspection. The ashes symbolize the remnants of past efforts and the transformative power of letting go. They remind us that even in moments of burnout, there is potential for growth and renewal.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Introducing "Positive Burnout," series the captivating inaugural piece of a mesmerizing series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract masterpiece delves into the depths of the human experience, exploring the delicate balance between ambition and exhaustion.
Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an ethereal quality, evoking a sense of impermanence and introspection. The ashes symbolize the remnants of past efforts and the transformative power of letting go. They remind us that even in moments of burnout, there is potential for growth and renewal.

The title, "Positive Burnout," immediately sparks curiosity and intrigue. It delves into the paradoxical nature of our modern lives, where the pursuit of success and fulfillment often leads to overwhelming exhaustion. This sculpture serves as a visual representation of this phenomenon, reminding us of the delicate equilibrium we strive to achieve.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Immerse yourself in the captivating symbolism of "Human Paradox series" and embark on a transformative journey of self-reflection. Discover the profound depths of the human psyche and embrace the paradoxes that make us beautifully imperfect beings. 

Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an otherworldly aura.

The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions and conflicts that define the human condition. It is a reminder that we are all a tapestry of opposing forces, constantly navigating the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, certainty and doubt, and conformity and individuality.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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At first glance, the sculpture's realistic qualities draw you in, resembling a human figure. But upon closer inspection, you realize that this is no ordinary being. The otherworldly features and enigmatic expression on the face hint at a deeper narrative, one that exists beyond our realm of understanding.

"Nocturnal Public Worker" is a powerful reminder of the hidden forces that shape our lives and the complex interplay between the seen and the unseen. It challenges us to expand our perspective and acknowledge the existence of the unknown. This sculpture serves as a portal to a world beyond our comprehension, where the extraordinary meets the ordinary in a mesmerizing dance.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Enter the realm of "Human Paradox," the captivating inaugural piece of an extraordinary series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract and surrealistic artwork delves deep into the enigmatic nature of the human experience, exploring the complexities of identity and contradiction.

At the center of the sculpture stands a ladylike figure, her form beautifully abstracted. But what catches the eye is the unconventional portrayal of three legs. This symbolic choice challenges traditional notions of symmetry and perfection, inviting us to question the duality and contradictions that exist within ourselves.

suggested for: corridor, office, living room

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The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions and conflicts that define the human condition. It is a reminder that we are all a tapestry of opposing forces, constantly navigating the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, certainty and doubt, and conformity and individuality.


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At the center of the sculpture stands a ladylike figure, her form beautifully abstracted. But what catches the eye is the unconventional portrayal of three legs. This symbolic choice challenges traditional notions of symmetry and perfection, inviting us to question the duality and contradictions that exist within ourselves.

The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions and conflicts that define the human condition. It is a reminder that we are all a tapestry of opposing forces, constantly navigating the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, certainty and doubt, and conformity and individuality.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

(Read artist profile)

TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

(Read artist profile)

TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The picture is part of the series Soul Representation Surrealism. If the observer observes the details carefully, he can notice that the clouds in the background have a silhouette similar to that of the crocodiles. So the clouds become the stones on which the rabbit can step as part of its journey, and finally the stairs become crocodiles, and as the last step a stone or a hole is visible, which wants to represent the rabbit's cavity in an abstract way. It is abstract, as it is surrounded by dashed lines, thus it is indicated by the geometric solution that if the rabbit jumps into the hole, it is not known exactly what it will find there. The exact meaning, the stairs of fear, can also be interpreted from the title of the picture. So the journey itself is about facing our fears and overcoming them. Also about the quality of fear itself, since our fears are often clouds, illusions, unreal barriers raised by ourselves, this is what the clouds symbolize. Furthermore, the crocodile, as actually terrifying forms, presents the conflict itself, the assumption of our decisions. The rabbit hole symbolizes that if we follow this psychological path, we often find ourselves in a new life situation that we did not expect.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Soul Depicting Surrealism series

Theme & Symbolism

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suggested for:  kids room, kitchen, bathroom

Theme and Symbolism

"The Flower of Life symbol consists of many contiguous circles. The starting point is the circle in the middle, which is surrounded by six more circles. In the center of the circle is a simple geometric shape, which suggests that originally all life arose from a single source. The characteristic circular pattern of the Classic Flower of Life symbol consists of 19 circles, twelve semicircles and 18 sixth circles. The repeated pattern decoration of the flower of life can be continued ad infinitum. Although the Flower of Life is a self-contained form, it is infinitely expandable and therefore represents the infinite flow of life. The painting was inspired by my encounter with this symbol, as well as a moment spent in nature, when I was lying in the grass among yellow flowers and looking up at the sky from below. From this angle, I got the feeling that the world and the flowers were smiling at me."  Melinda

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Soul Reflecting Surrealism series

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suggested for:  kids room, kitchen, bathroom

Theme and Symbolism

"The Flower of Life symbol consists of many contiguous circles. The starting point is the circle in the middle, which is surrounded by six more circles. In the center of the circle is a simple geometric shape, which suggests that originally all life arose from a single source. The characteristic circular pattern of the Classic Flower of Life symbol consists of 19 circles, twelve semicircles and 18 sixth circles. The repeated pattern decoration of the flower of life can be continued ad infinitum. Although the Flower of Life is a self-contained form, it is infinitely expandable and therefore represents the infinite flow of life. The painting was inspired by my encounter with this symbol, as well as a moment spent in nature, when I was lying in the grass among yellow flowers and looking up at the sky from below. From this angle, I got the feeling that the world and the flowers were smiling at me."  Melinda

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Soul Reflecting Surrealism series

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Theme & Symbolism

As part of the "Soul Reflecting Surrealism Series," the artwork "Leafs Climbing Towards the Sky" (55 x 86 cm) captures the vibrant life and movement within nature. Leaves reach skyward, seeking sunlight, while a pair of hand-shaped leaves bend towards the water, seemingly thirsty and longing for warmth. The cloud and its reflection in the water take on the form of a flying figure, emphasizing the interconnectedness and communication that exists in nature. This interplay of endless movement, lightness, and eternal change creates a sense of profound beauty.

These artworks are just glimpses into my exploration of the surreal and symbolic realm, where nature and human experience intertwine, inviting viewers to reflect, question, and appreciate the wonders that surround us.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Soul Depicting Surrealism series

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This captivating mixed technology painting combines digital and oil painting techniques to create a unique and visually striking self-portrait of the artist. The focal point of the artwork is the artist's face, which is depicted looking up with closed eyes and a serene expression of enjoyment. The artist's face is rendered with a pale complexion, emphasizing a sense of delicacy and vulnerability. Her lips are painted in a vibrant raspberry color, adding a pop of boldness and sensuality to the composition. The contrast between the pale complexion and the vivid lip color creates a visually striking effect, drawing attention to the artist's mouth and adding a touch of playfulness to the overall expression.

Surrounding the artist's face, blurred out lines create a sense of movement and energy. These lines add a dynamic element to the composition, suggesting a sense of the artist's creative process and the flow of ideas and emotions. The blurred lines also create a sense of depth and dimension, enhancing the overall visual impact of the artwork.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The Familiar Alien is a thought-provoking masterpiece that challenges our perceptions and encourages us to delve into the depths of our own consciousness. Its surrealistic elements and symbolic choices leave us captivated, inviting us to contemplate the mysteries of the human experience and the interconnectedness of all things. 

At first glance, the sculpture's head immediately draws attention. Reminiscent of Putyin, it intriguingly blurs the lines between familiarity and otherworldliness. This symbolic choice challenges our preconceived notions of power and authority, urging us to question the nature of leadership and its impact on society.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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At first glance, the sculpture may appear unremarkable, depicting an everyday individual. But it is in this very simplicity that the true power of "Time to Shine" lies. It serves as a reminder that within every seemingly ordinary person, there is a spark, a talent, or a dream waiting to be unleashed.
The title, "Time to Shine," evokes a sense of opportunity and empowerment. It speaks to the moment when one realizes their own potential and decides to step into the spotlight, embracing their unique gifts and abilities. This sculpture serves as a visual representation of that transformative moment, inspiring viewers to embrace their own journey of self-discovery and self-expression.

"Time to Shine" is a celebration of the extraordinary potential that resides within each of us, waiting to be discovered and shared with the world. It reminds us that no matter how ordinary we may appear, we all have the ability to make a meaningful impact and leave a lasting legacy.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Introducing "Positive Burnout," the captivating inaugural piece of a mesmerizing series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract masterpiece delves into the depths of the human experience, exploring the delicate balance between ambition and exhaustion.
At the center of the sculpture lies the head and bust of a female figure, her form beautifully abstracted. The choice to depict a female figure symbolizes the strength and resilience that women possess, while also acknowledging the unique challenges they face in a demanding world.

Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an ethereal quality, evoking a sense of impermanence and introspection. The ashes symbolize the remnants of past efforts and the transformative power of letting go. They remind us that even in moments of burnout, there is potential for growth and renewal.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Introducing "Positive Burnout," series the captivating inaugural piece of a mesmerizing series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract masterpiece delves into the depths of the human experience, exploring the delicate balance between ambition and exhaustion.
Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an ethereal quality, evoking a sense of impermanence and introspection. The ashes symbolize the remnants of past efforts and the transformative power of letting go. They remind us that even in moments of burnout, there is potential for growth and renewal.

The title, "Positive Burnout," immediately sparks curiosity and intrigue. It delves into the paradoxical nature of our modern lives, where the pursuit of success and fulfillment often leads to overwhelming exhaustion. This sculpture serves as a visual representation of this phenomenon, reminding us of the delicate equilibrium we strive to achieve.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Immerse yourself in the captivating symbolism of "Human Paradox series" and embark on a transformative journey of self-reflection. Discover the profound depths of the human psyche and embrace the paradoxes that make us beautifully imperfect beings. 

Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an otherworldly aura.

The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions and conflicts that define the human condition. It is a reminder that we are all a tapestry of opposing forces, constantly navigating the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, certainty and doubt, and conformity and individuality.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Step into the mesmerizing world of "Human Paradox," a captivating handmade ceramic sculpture that defies convention and explores the depths of the human psyche. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract and surrealistic artwork takes us on a journey of contradictions and hidden truths.

The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions that define our human experience—the simultaneous capacity for creation and destruction, power and frailty, freedom and constraint. This artwork challenges us to confront these paradoxes and explore the complex layers of our being.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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At first glance, the sculpture's realistic qualities draw you in, resembling a human figure. But upon closer inspection, you realize that this is no ordinary being. The otherworldly features and enigmatic expression on the face hint at a deeper narrative, one that exists beyond our realm of understanding.

"Nocturnal Public Worker" is a powerful reminder of the hidden forces that shape our lives and the complex interplay between the seen and the unseen. It challenges us to expand our perspective and acknowledge the existence of the unknown. This sculpture serves as a portal to a world beyond our comprehension, where the extraordinary meets the ordinary in a mesmerizing dance.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Enter the realm of "Human Paradox," the captivating inaugural piece of an extraordinary series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract and surrealistic artwork delves deep into the enigmatic nature of the human experience, exploring the complexities of identity and contradiction.

At the center of the sculpture stands a ladylike figure, her form beautifully abstracted. But what catches the eye is the unconventional portrayal of three legs. This symbolic choice challenges traditional notions of symmetry and perfection, inviting us to question the duality and contradictions that exist within ourselves.

suggested for: corridor, office, living room

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The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions and conflicts that define the human condition. It is a reminder that we are all a tapestry of opposing forces, constantly navigating the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, certainty and doubt, and conformity and individuality.


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At the center of the sculpture stands a ladylike figure, her form beautifully abstracted. But what catches the eye is the unconventional portrayal of three legs. This symbolic choice challenges traditional notions of symmetry and perfection, inviting us to question the duality and contradictions that exist within ourselves.

The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions and conflicts that define the human condition. It is a reminder that we are all a tapestry of opposing forces, constantly navigating the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, certainty and doubt, and conformity and individuality.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

(Read artist profile)

TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

(Read artist profile)

TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

(Read artist profile)

TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: living room, corridor, office

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Step into the mesmerizing world of "Human Paradox," a captivating handmade ceramic sculpture that defies convention and explores the depths of the human psyche. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract and surrealistic artwork takes us on a journey of contradictions and hidden truths.

The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions that define our human experience—the simultaneous capacity for creation and destruction, power and frailty, freedom and constraint. This artwork challenges us to confront these paradoxes and explore the complex layers of our being.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: living room, corridor, office

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"Happy Hour" is a remarkable handmade ceramic sculpture that combines realism and symbolism to create a captivating narrative. Colored with natural ashes, this thought-provoking piece explores the complexities of human emotions and challenges societal norms.

At first glance, the sculpture portrays the head and bust of a male figure, instantly drawing you into its enigmatic presence. But it is the controversial expression on his face that truly intrigues. With a mixture of conflicting emotions, the sculpture captures the inner turmoil and contradictions that exist within us all.

It challenges us to contemplate the multifaceted nature of human existence and to question the facade of happiness that often permeates our lives. It serves as a reminder that beneath the surface of seemingly content individuals, there may be a world of conflicting emotions and unspoken truths.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Step into the mesmerizing world of "Human Paradox," a captivating handmade ceramic sculpture that defies convention and explores the depths of the human psyche. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract and surrealistic artwork takes us on a journey of contradictions and hidden truths.

The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions that define our human experience—the simultaneous capacity for creation and destruction, power and frailty, freedom and constraint. This artwork challenges us to confront these paradoxes and explore the complex layers of our being.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Zsolt’s vision is to blend ancient themes with modern technology, creating sculptures that challenge viewers to pause and look more attentively at the world around them. His mission is to use 3D printing as a tool for creating harmonious and detailed artworks that reflects the fast-paced nature of society today. The themes of his work often draw from ancient Greek mythology and history, adding a timeless quality to his contemporary creations. The values that drive his artistic process include a commitment to innovation, attention to detail, and a desire to provoke thought and reflection in those who encounter his work.

Zsolt's fascination with blending ancient themes and modern technology stems from a desire to create a bridge between the past and the present, highlighting the interconnectedness of human experience across time. By choosing ancient Greek themes as a foundation for his sculptures, he seeks to tap into the timeless elements of mythology and history that continue to resonate with contemporary audiences.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

A raspberry base with yellow and bluish lines and splashes evoke a sense of sweetness and tranquility. The artwork celebrates the joy of color and light, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in a world of vibrant hues and soothing tones, where creativity and imagination intertwine in perfect harmony.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Vivid blue hues as the base with vibrant other colors arranged in a circular shape create a sense of harmony and balance. The artwork radiates a sense of unity and cohesion, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things and the beauty of diversity.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

With a black base infused with a vibrant mix of colors, this artwork symbolizes the energy and vitality that radiates from the sun, capturing the essence of warmth and vibrancy in every brushstroke.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Dreamy pastel colors delicately blended in shades of purple, pink, and turquoise create a soft and ethereal atmosphere, inviting viewers on a visual voyage of tranquility and introspection, where the colors gently guide the imagination to new horizons.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Illuminated in a radiant yellow hue with splashes of vibrant colors, this artwork exudes a sense of warmth and joy, as if capturing the essence of a bountiful harvest under the sun's golden rays, celebrating life's abundance and vitality.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

A raspberry base with yellow and bluish lines and splashes evoke a sense of sweetness and tranquility. The artwork celebrates the joy of color and light, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in a world of vibrant hues and soothing tones, where creativity and imagination intertwine in perfect harmony.

suggested for: living room, corridor, office

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Illuminated in a radiant yellow hue with splashes of vibrant colors, this artwork exudes a sense of warmth and joy, as if capturing the essence of a bountiful harvest under the sun's golden rays, celebrating life's abundance and vitality.

suggested for: living room, corridor, office

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Vivid blue hues as the base with vibrant other colors arranged in a circular shape create a sense of harmony and balance. The artwork radiates a sense of unity and cohesion, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things and the beauty of diversity.

suggested for: living room, corridor, office

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

With a black base infused with a vibrant mix of colors, this artwork symbolizes the energy and vitality that radiates from the sun, capturing the essence of warmth and vibrancy in every brushstroke.

suggested for: living room, corridor, office

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Dreamy pastel colors delicately blended in shades of purple, pink, and turquoise create a soft and ethereal atmosphere, inviting viewers on a visual voyage of tranquility and introspection, where the colors gently guide the imagination to new horizons.

suggested for: living room, corridor, office

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Theme & Symbolism

"Shining" is a series that I began in January 2024, using spray paint and pastel chalk. The artworks in this collection are created in a serene and mesmerizing style. Objects seem to float in space, with surfaces having a subtle plasticity that allows the focus to shift to the interplay of colors and shapes.

The deliberate arrangement of colored spots and the flowing shapes guide the viewer's gaze, inviting them to explore a unique visual realm within the artwork.

suggested for: living room, corridor, kids room

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Theme & Symbolism

"Shining" is a series that I began in January 2024, using spray paint and pastel chalk. The artworks in this collection are created in a serene and mesmerizing style. Objects seem to float in space, with surfaces having a subtle plasticity that allows the focus to shift to the interplay of colors and shapes.

The deliberate arrangement of colored spots and the flowing shapes guide the viewer's gaze, inviting them to explore a unique visual realm within the artwork.

suggested for: living room, corridor, kids room

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Theme & Symbolism

"Shining" is a series that I began in January 2024, using spray paint and pastel chalk. The artworks in this collection are created in a serene and mesmerizing style. Objects seem to float in space, with surfaces having a subtle plasticity that allows the focus to shift to the interplay of colors and shapes.

The deliberate arrangement of colored spots and the flowing shapes guide the viewer's gaze, inviting them to explore a unique visual realm within the artwork.

suggested for: living room, corridor, office

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Theme & Symbolism

"Shining" is a series that I began in January 2024, using spray paint and pastel chalk. The artworks in this collection are created in a serene and mesmerizing style. Objects seem to float in space, with surfaces having a subtle plasticity that allows the focus to shift to the interplay of colors and shapes.

The deliberate arrangement of colored spots and the flowing shapes guide the viewer's gaze, inviting them to explore a unique visual realm within the artwork.

suggested for: living room, corridor, office