
These artworks may feature surreal or dreamlike elements, abstract forms, or distorted perspectives. 
Overall, art that evokes feelings of intrigue invites viewers to question, explore, and interpret.
It challenges conventional thinking and encourages a sense of wonder and curiosity.

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"The Adultor" challenges traditional notions of beauty, desire, and human relationships, inviting viewers to reflect on the complexities and contradictions inherent in our own lives. It encourages a deeper exploration of the dynamics between individuals and the interplay of power, vulnerability, and desire.
The central focus of the artwork is a refined-looking man, depicted with delicate and refined features. His presence in the middle of the composition immediately draws the viewer's attention, suggesting a sense of importance and significance.
Flanking the man on either side are two naked women, one facing the viewer and the other depicted from behind. The artist skillfully accentuates their feminine curves, emphasizing their sensuality and allure. The curves of their bodies are rendered with precision and attention to detail, creating a visual contrast against the refined appearance of the man in the center.

The use of nudity in the artwork adds an element of vulnerability and intimacy, inviting viewers to contemplate the complexities of human relationships and desires. The positioning of the women, one facing the viewer and the other from behind, suggests a sense of duality and exploration of different perspectives.
The dark line dividing the composition adds a sense of tension and separation, symbolizing the boundaries and divisions that exist within relationships. It serves as a visual representation of the complexities and contradictions inherent in human connections.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The woman is portrayed reaching out towards the man, her body language and expression conveying a sense of desperation and longing. Despite his departure, she clings to the hope of reconciliation, symbolized by her outstretched arm. The man, on the other hand, is depicted with a sense of detachment and distance, his body turned away from the woman, suggesting a desire to move on.
The title "Incest" adds another layer of complexity to the artwork, alluding to the forbidden and taboo nature of their relationship. This reference to the ancient story of Adam and Eve further deepens the narrative, suggesting a perpetual cycle of desire, temptation, and separation.

This provocative graphic art piece presents a striking visual representation of a complex and emotionally charged relationship. The artwork features a woman drawn with delicate white lines against a stark black background, while a man is depicted with bold black lines against a contrasting white background. The stark contrast between the two figures immediately captures the viewer's attention, emphasizing the dichotomy between them.
This graphic art piece challenges traditional notions of love, desire, and human relationships, inviting viewers to reflect on the complexities and contradictions inherent in our own lives.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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This artwork almost depicts a scene of a theater comedy. 
With a great number of elements and hidden meanings, Mircia skillfully portrays a seemingly entertaining scene: The naked lady's muscular body is rendered with precision, the timid painter, the dressed up lady who could even be the reflection of the model. The castle and the city at their feet. 

The city is the world of man: his creation (made in his image) and his pride because it reflects his culture and his civilization. It is also a place of absurdity, of chaos, and of man's power over Nature and man, a place of slavery par excellence.
On the naked model, the covered head shows nobility, in general different hats can signify different orders within the social heirarchy.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The endless black tunnel from which the woman emerges symbolizes the unknown and the depths of the subconscious. It represents a portal between different dimensions, where the boundaries of reality are blurred. The merging of parallel universes is depicted through the distortion and fragmentation of the woman's figure, as if multiple versions of herself are converging into one.


This captivating graphic art piece transports viewers into a surreal and dreamlike realm, where parallel universes merge and reality becomes distorted. The focal point of the artwork is a giant naked woman, emerging from an endless black tunnel. Her towering presence commands attention, evoking a sense of power and mystery.
The woman's form is depicted with a blend of realism and abstraction, creating a mesmerizing visual effect. Her body appears elongated and stretched, as if defying the laws of physics. The artist's use of vibrant and contrasting colors adds to the otherworldly atmosphere, with hues of blues, purples, and pinks swirling and merging together.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Biblical theme, crown of thorns, orthodox monks. 
A sacral shape similar to an  icosahedron, exuding a very charged, almost stiffling atmosphere. 
Putting all doctrines (mathematical, medical, ecclesiastical) together, the two clerks are contemplating the world.

The Romans soldiers used a crown of thorns, part of the original curse, and placed it on the head of Jesus who would offer atonement, salvation, and hope for the entire world. Truly, this was a powerful symbol of the sin and death that Jesus was about to deliver the world from through his death and resurrection.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss

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Voyeurism: the activity of getting pleasure from secretly watching other people in sexual situations or, more generally, from watching other people's private lives
In this case we can see a realistically represented woman, being watched by two, slightly blurred out human shapes. Even though she is being watched, the womans posture seems proud and powerfull. 

Stripes have had complex and sometimes contradictory meanings throughout Western history — think the American flag vs. prison uniforms — but in modern visual arts, stripes are less complicated. They're all about rhythm, division and unity. In this case, they are reinforcing the powerful posture of the woman.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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This captivating mixed technique artwork presents an intriguing and whimsical scene set within an empty interior. The focal point of the artwork is a checkerboard flooring, with alternating beige and black squares, creating a sense of order and structure. The checkerboard pattern adds a touch of playfulness and visual interest to the composition.
The combination of the checkerboard flooring, the characters engaged in creative work, the presence of the crows, and the color palette creates a visually captivating and thought-provoking composition that invites viewers into a whimsical and intriguing world, where creativity and imagination thrive. 

Adding an element of intrigue and mystery, several black crows are depicted flying inside the interior. These crows, with their dark feathers and piercing eyes, create a sense of contrast against the beige and black color palette. They symbolize the presence of the unknown and the unexpected, adding a touch of surrealism to the artwork.
The color palette of beige and black is complemented by red accent colors, which add pops of vibrancy and visual interest. The red accents draw the viewer's attention to specific details within the artwork, creating focal points and enhancing the overall composition.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

Drawing inspiration from the legendary tale of St George, the renowned dragon slayer, this painting captures the essence of bravery, heroism, and triumph over adversity. 

The use of a striking color palette adds depth and intensity to the artwork, reflecting the contrasting emotions and forces at play in the story. The artist's unique interpretation infuses the composition with a sense of mystical enchantment, inviting viewers to delve into the realm of imagination and symbolism.

The presence of the angelic head within the painting adds an ethereal quality, hinting at divine guidance and protection in St George's quest. It serves as a poignant reminder of the spiritual and symbolic elements intertwined with the historical narrative.

"St George" is a captivating artwork that invites contemplation and reflection. It serves as a testament to the power of art to convey stories, evoke emotions, and inspire a sense of wonder. 

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

In the dynamic world of international art, a new form of figurality emerges, blending painting techniques, dimensions, and social criticism. Artists like Oli Epp, Sarah Slappey, Emma Stern, and Austin Lee, whom I closely follow, excel in this surreal-abstract fusion. While their works often feature provocative elements such as artificial nails and exaggerated body parts, they serve as reflections of our times and convey a sense of internal moral order. As our world increasingly embraces avatars over physical presence, it becomes crucial for art to explore human consciousness and existence.

"One of my recent creations, originally a diptych titled "Inward" and "Outward," holds a striking resemblance to Jeff Koons' iconic balloon dog. Through its box-like arrangement and the grid illusion in the background, the "Outward" piece critiques kitsch culture while humorously and distortedly portraying the workings of our superficial society and consumer market."  Melinda

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory.
The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea
In Dan Badea's thought-provoking painting titled "Vox Populi," the artist presents a compelling visual narrative that delves into the concept of public opinion and the influence of propaganda on society. The composition features a male character at the center, surrounded by a collage of drawings depicting various people and propaganda-like texts in Romanian language on either side of him

The title "Vox Populi," which translates to "voice of the people," hints at the central theme of the painting - the power and impact of collective opinion and mass communication. Through the juxtaposition of the male figure with the surrounding collage of drawings and texts, Badea explores the complexities of how individuals are shaped by societal influences, media messages, and public discourse.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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Marin Sorescu
Untitled painting

" Marin Sorescu (1936-96) was a cheerfully melancholic comic genius, and one of the most original voices in Romanian literature. His mischievous poetry and satirical plays earned him great popularity during the Communist era. While his witty, ironic parables were not directly critical of the régime, Romanians used to a culture of double-speak could read other meanings in his playful mockery of the human condition. But later – like a hapless character from one of his absurdist dramas – the peasant-born people’s poet was made Minister of Culture, in Ion Iliescu’s post-Ceauçescu government."

suggested for: corridor, office, living room

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The Familiar Alien is a thought-provoking masterpiece that challenges our perceptions and encourages us to delve into the depths of our own consciousness. Its surrealistic elements and symbolic choices leave us captivated, inviting us to contemplate the mysteries of the human experience and the interconnectedness of all things. 

At first glance, the sculpture's head immediately draws attention. Reminiscent of Putyin, it intriguingly blurs the lines between familiarity and otherworldliness. This symbolic choice challenges our preconceived notions of power and authority, urging us to question the nature of leadership and its impact on society.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Immerse yourself in the captivating symbolism of "Human Paradox series" and embark on a transformative journey of self-reflection. Discover the profound depths of the human psyche and embrace the paradoxes that make us beautifully imperfect beings. 

Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an otherworldly aura.

The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions and conflicts that define the human condition. It is a reminder that we are all a tapestry of opposing forces, constantly navigating the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, certainty and doubt, and conformity and individuality.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Enter the realm of "Human Paradox," the captivating inaugural piece of an extraordinary series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract and surrealistic artwork delves deep into the enigmatic nature of the human experience, exploring the complexities of identity and contradiction.

At the center of the sculpture stands a ladylike figure, her form beautifully abstracted. But what catches the eye is the unconventional portrayal of three legs. This symbolic choice challenges traditional notions of symmetry and perfection, inviting us to question the duality and contradictions that exist within ourselves.

suggested for: corridor, office, living room

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The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions and conflicts that define the human condition. It is a reminder that we are all a tapestry of opposing forces, constantly navigating the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, certainty and doubt, and conformity and individuality.


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At the center of the sculpture stands a ladylike figure, her form beautifully abstracted. But what catches the eye is the unconventional portrayal of three legs. This symbolic choice challenges traditional notions of symmetry and perfection, inviting us to question the duality and contradictions that exist within ourselves.

The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions and conflicts that define the human condition. It is a reminder that we are all a tapestry of opposing forces, constantly navigating the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, certainty and doubt, and conformity and individuality.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Theme and Symbolism

Within the tactile contours of these ceramic sculptures lies a fusion of secrecy and organic beauty. Inspired by the armadillo's resilient armor, each piece is crafted to echo the intricacies of this creature's form, reflecting a hidden narrative, akin to the concept of taboo.

"TAЂU, born in 2023, and named from the amalgamation of 'Tatou' (Armadillo in French) and 'Taboo,' TAЂU symbolizes the concealed, the unspoken, and the untold.

These sculptures invite contemplation, whispering enigmatic tales while retaining their veiled secrets. Explore this collection where form and mystery intertwine, beckoning you to unravel the concealed whispers within each creation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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TAЂU Series:
Unveiling the Veiled Enigma

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Step into the mesmerizing world of "Human Paradox," a captivating handmade ceramic sculpture that defies convention and explores the depths of the human psyche. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract and surrealistic artwork takes us on a journey of contradictions and hidden truths.

The title, "Human Paradox," encapsulates the essence of this thought-provoking sculpture. It speaks to the inherent contradictions that define our human experience—the simultaneous capacity for creation and destruction, power and frailty, freedom and constraint. This artwork challenges us to confront these paradoxes and explore the complex layers of our being.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

An orange base with bold black lines commands attention and exudes a sense of strength and determination. The artwork embodies the spirit of a fearless warrior, ready to conquer challenges and overcome obstacles with unwavering resolve.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Deep blue hues adorned with colorful lines evoke a sense of strength and dynamism, reflecting the powerful and dynamic nature of the elements as they intertwine and create a harmonious balance within the canvas.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

A grey base adorned with delicate and colorful lines creates a mesmerizing contrast, symbolizing the interplay of light and shadow. The artwork shines with a subtle brilliance, inviting viewers to explore the intricate dance of colors and shapes that illuminate the canvas.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

A white base adorned with flowing purple lines and smaller yellow splashes symbolizes the fluidity and movement of life. The artwork captures the essence of change and transformation, inviting viewers to embrace the natural rhythm of the universe and go with the flow.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Pastel green hues intertwined with soft pastel-colored lines evoke a sense of serenity and renewal, reminiscent of a sun-kissed orchard in full bloom. The artwork captures the essence of nature's beauty and abundance, inviting viewers to bask in the tranquility of the sun's gentle glow.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Illuminated in a radiant yellow hue with splashes of vibrant colors, this artwork exudes a sense of warmth and joy, as if capturing the essence of a bountiful harvest under the sun's golden rays, celebrating life's abundance and vitality.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Vivid blue hues as the base with vibrant other colors arranged in a circular shape create a sense of harmony and balance. The artwork radiates a sense of unity and cohesion, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things and the beauty of diversity.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Silver tones intertwined with black, neon green, and yellow accents symbolize the journey of creativity and growth, as the artist sketches and stretches the boundaries of traditional art, embracing innovation and exploration.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Dreamy pastel colors delicately blended in shades of purple, pink, and turquoise create a soft and ethereal atmosphere, inviting viewers on a visual voyage of tranquility and introspection, where the colors gently guide the imagination to new horizons.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

Illuminated in a radiant yellow hue with splashes of vibrant colors, this artwork exudes a sense of warmth and joy, as if capturing the essence of a bountiful harvest under the sun's golden rays, celebrating life's abundance and vitality.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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Rita's artwork explores themes of courage, experimentation, and transformation. Her paintings capture the energy and movement of action painting, inviting viewers to experience the flow of the artwork and see reality in a new and vibrant way. Rita's colorful and dynamic artworks focus on both the issues and solutions present in the world, offering a fresh perspective on complex issues and inviting viewers to embrace the beauty and complexity of life.
Her  art embodies the idea of knowing the rules and breaking them, encouraging viewers to embrace creativity, individuality, and innovation. Each brushstroke and splatter of paint on the canvas represents a moment of daring and self-expression, inviting the audience to explore new perspectives and possibilities. Rita's artwork serves as a visual journey of self-discovery and a reminder to embrace the beauty of the unknown.

With a black base infused with a vibrant mix of colors, this artwork symbolizes the energy and vitality that radiates from the sun, capturing the essence of warmth and vibrancy in every brushstroke.

suggested for: home corridor, office room, living room

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At first glance, the sculpture's realistic qualities draw you in, resembling a human figure. But upon closer inspection, you realize that this is no ordinary being. The otherworldly features and enigmatic expression on the face hint at a deeper narrative, one that exists beyond our realm of understanding.

"Nocturnal Public Worker" is a powerful reminder of the hidden forces that shape our lives and the complex interplay between the seen and the unseen. It challenges us to expand our perspective and acknowledge the existence of the unknown. This sculpture serves as a portal to a world beyond our comprehension, where the extraordinary meets the ordinary in a mesmerizing dance.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

"Dreams of an AI" is a series of three paintings created between June 2023 and 2024, exploring the psychological concept of the "uncanny valley" - the uneasy feeling elicited by objects that closely resemble humans but fall short, sparking a mix of sympathy, disgust, and fear.
This phenomenon extends beyond humanoid objects to all visual realms, including those generated by AI. Through realistic color contrasts and shadow play, my paintings offer a sense of comfort akin to our familiar world. However, juxtaposed sharp contrasts, soft spots, and unrecognizable surfaces create an eerie, unsettling atmosphere that prompts viewers to interpret and explore further.
The motif of games in my work holds strong emotional significance, as they mimic reality but exist on the uncanny curve. Humanoid features in these games trigger a mix of affection and "cute aggression," where our desire to care can unexpectedly turn into aggression. By evoking such intense reactions, cuteness is a common tool in media to elicit responses, though the long-term effects are still unknown.
Through this series, I aim to provoke a lasting impression in viewers, igniting internal reflection and leaving a memorable impact.

suggested for: living room, corridor, kids room

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Theme & Symbolism

"Dreams of an AI" is a series of three paintings created between June 2023 and 2024, exploring the psychological concept of the "uncanny valley" - the uneasy feeling elicited by objects that closely resemble humans but fall short, sparking a mix of sympathy, disgust, and fear.
This phenomenon extends beyond humanoid objects to all visual realms, including those generated by AI. Through realistic color contrasts and shadow play, my paintings offer a sense of comfort akin to our familiar world. However, juxtaposed sharp contrasts, soft spots, and unrecognizable surfaces create an eerie, unsettling atmosphere that prompts viewers to interpret and explore further.
The motif of games in my work holds strong emotional significance, as they mimic reality but exist on the uncanny curve. Humanoid features in these games trigger a mix of affection and "cute aggression," where our desire to care can unexpectedly turn into aggression. By evoking such intense reactions, cuteness is a common tool in media to elicit responses, though the long-term effects are still unknown.
Through this series, I aim to provoke a lasting impression in viewers, igniting internal reflection and leaving a memorable impact.

suggested for: living room, corridor, kids room

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Theme & Symbolism

"Dreams of an AI" is a series of three paintings created between June 2023 and 2024, exploring the psychological concept of the "uncanny valley" - the uneasy feeling elicited by objects that closely resemble humans but fall short, sparking a mix of sympathy, disgust, and fear.
This phenomenon extends beyond humanoid objects to all visual realms, including those generated by AI. Through realistic color contrasts and shadow play, my paintings offer a sense of comfort akin to our familiar world. However, juxtaposed sharp contrasts, soft spots, and unrecognizable surfaces create an eerie, unsettling atmosphere that prompts viewers to interpret and explore further.
The motif of games in my work holds strong emotional significance, as they mimic reality but exist on the uncanny curve. Humanoid features in these games trigger a mix of affection and "cute aggression," where our desire to care can unexpectedly turn into aggression. By evoking such intense reactions, cuteness is a common tool in media to elicit responses, though the long-term effects are still unknown.
Through this series, I aim to provoke a lasting impression in viewers, igniting internal reflection and leaving a memorable impact.

suggested for: living room, corridor, kids room

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Theme & Symbolism

"Membraneverse" is the title of one of my series, where the concept of a membrane represents an enclosure or limitation, drawing from its biological significance. In my artistic journey, I often find myself grappling with form, occasionally encountering obstacles or "membranes" that create barriers between my creations and me. These barriers, akin to blocks, are surprisingly relatable in the realm of art reception and psychology, as we all face our own internal barriers."

Just as biological membranes are crucial for cellular life, shaping the internal composition of cells, the imagery in Membraneverse functions similarly in the art world. Amorphous shapes enclosed within delimited boundaries float as distinct entities within the artwork, juxtaposed against a vast, open space. This interplay mirrors the complexities found in microbiology, where boundaries and free space coexist in harmony. (Source: Taurus Cornu Petit - What is art informal? podcast conversation)

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The work "Repetitions and repetitions" is also another example of the already mentioned background/figure duality - form as repression. Shapeless signs that resemble wounds and soak up paint, repeating a single theme, enliven the screen printing technique of pop art, however, instead of a mechanical process, the manually inflicted wounds create a perforated membrane from the background, which produces permeable cuts in a ribbon-like manner - these distinguishing metaphysical trickles continue they continue the tradition of the dialectical movement of photorealism-abstraction primarily associated with Richter and Polke, and present a new version of the psychoanalytic dynamic of masking/sighting. The retro-fetishistic relationship between contemporary neo-abstraction and manual processes points to the post-production tendencies of abstract painting suffering from a lack of future vectors and critical imperatives[1], which alienates it from the community and banishes this aesthetic to an individual space-time. Alíz Menta Sipos takes advantage of this vulnerability to space-time - the conscious attraction to radical solitude and confinement, the nihilistic attitude gives release from the eternal cycle and escapes her works from dozens of abstracts that blindly apply Greenbergian-formalist principles. (Laura Győrfi - Artportal)

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

"Membraneverse" is the title of one of my series, where the concept of a membrane represents an enclosure or limitation, drawing from its biological significance. In my artistic journey, I often find myself grappling with form, occasionally encountering obstacles or "membranes" that create barriers between my creations and me. These barriers, akin to blocks, are surprisingly relatable in the realm of art reception and psychology, as we all face our own internal barriers."

Just as biological membranes are crucial for cellular life, shaping the internal composition of cells, the imagery in Membraneverse functions similarly in the art world. Amorphous shapes enclosed within delimited boundaries float as distinct entities within the artwork, juxtaposed against a vast, open space. This interplay mirrors the complexities found in microbiology, where boundaries and free space coexist in harmony. (Source: Taurus Cornu Petit - What is art informal? podcast conversation)

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

It is important for both the artwork and the artist to tap into their raw and authentic reality, free from logic and comprehension. We need to acknowledge that all these aspects exist within us simultaneously and embrace them in a secure environment. It may be our role to bridge the gap between our inner selves and others. I believe that beyond our sophisticated communication efforts, we also require raw, unfiltered encounters. Informal painting, with its abstract expression in creation and reception, serves as a powerful conduit for this profound connection, allowing for direct and unmediated engagement.

The concept of freedom of the press extends to freedom of art as well. Does art abide by restrictions on expression? Can artistic form restrict what needs to be conveyed in a different context? What boundaries govern the transfer of ideas into print? These questions challenge the confines of verbal communication.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

It is important for both the artwork and the artist to tap into their raw and authentic reality, free from logic and comprehension. We need to acknowledge that all these aspects exist within us simultaneously and embrace them in a secure environment. It may be our role to bridge the gap between our inner selves and others. I believe that beyond our sophisticated communication efforts, we also require raw, unfiltered encounters. Informal painting, with its abstract expression in creation and reception, serves as a powerful conduit for this profound connection, allowing for direct and unmediated engagement.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

It is important for both the artwork and the artist to tap into their raw and authentic reality, free from logic and comprehension. We need to acknowledge that all these aspects exist within us simultaneously and embrace them in a secure environment. It may be our role to bridge the gap between our inner selves and others. I believe that beyond our sophisticated communication efforts, we also require raw, unfiltered encounters. Informal painting, with its abstract expression in creation and reception, serves as a powerful conduit for this profound connection, allowing for direct and unmediated engagement.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

It is important for both the artwork and the artist to tap into their raw and authentic reality, free from logic and comprehension. We need to acknowledge that all these aspects exist within us simultaneously and embrace them in a secure environment. It may be our role to bridge the gap between our inner selves and others. I believe that beyond our sophisticated communication efforts, we also require raw, unfiltered encounters. Informal painting, with its abstract expression in creation and reception, serves as a powerful conduit for this profound connection, allowing for direct and unmediated engagement.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

It is important for both the artwork and the artist to tap into their raw and authentic reality, free from logic and comprehension. We need to acknowledge that all these aspects exist within us simultaneously and embrace them in a secure environment. It may be our role to bridge the gap between our inner selves and others. I believe that beyond our sophisticated communication efforts, we also require raw, unfiltered encounters. Informal painting, with its abstract expression in creation and reception, serves as a powerful conduit for this profound connection, allowing for direct and unmediated engagement.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

It is important for both the artwork and the artist to tap into their raw and authentic reality, free from logic and comprehension. We need to acknowledge that all these aspects exist within us simultaneously and embrace them in a secure environment. It may be our role to bridge the gap between our inner selves and others. I believe that beyond our sophisticated communication efforts, we also require raw, unfiltered encounters. Informal painting, with its abstract expression in creation and reception, serves as a powerful conduit for this profound connection, allowing for direct and unmediated engagement.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

It is important for both the artwork and the artist to tap into their raw and authentic reality, free from logic and comprehension. We need to acknowledge that all these aspects exist within us simultaneously and embrace them in a secure environment. It may be our role to bridge the gap between our inner selves and others. I believe that beyond our sophisticated communication efforts, we also require raw, unfiltered encounters. Informal painting, with its abstract expression in creation and reception, serves as a powerful conduit for this profound connection, allowing for direct and unmediated engagement.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

It is important for both the artwork and the artist to tap into their raw and authentic reality, free from logic and comprehension. We need to acknowledge that all these aspects exist within us simultaneously and embrace them in a secure environment. It may be our role to bridge the gap between our inner selves and others. I believe that beyond our sophisticated communication efforts, we also require raw, unfiltered encounters. Informal painting, with its abstract expression in creation and reception, serves as a powerful conduit for this profound connection, allowing for direct and unmediated engagement.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

It is important for both the artwork and the artist to tap into their raw and authentic reality, free from logic and comprehension. We need to acknowledge that all these aspects exist within us simultaneously and embrace them in a secure environment. It may be our role to bridge the gap between our inner selves and others. I believe that beyond our sophisticated communication efforts, we also require raw, unfiltered encounters. Informal painting, with its abstract expression in creation and reception, serves as a powerful conduit for this profound connection, allowing for direct and unmediated engagement.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

It is important for both the artwork and the artist to tap into their raw and authentic reality, free from logic and comprehension. We need to acknowledge that all these aspects exist within us simultaneously and embrace them in a secure environment. It may be our role to bridge the gap between our inner selves and others. I believe that beyond our sophisticated communication efforts, we also require raw, unfiltered encounters. Informal painting, with its abstract expression in creation and reception, serves as a powerful conduit for this profound connection, allowing for direct and unmediated engagement.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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