
These artworks may feature solitary figures, abstract forms, or serene landscapes that invite viewers to pause, reflect, and connect with their inner selves. Overall, art that evokes feelings of self-reflection serves as a catalyst for personal introspection and self-discovery. It invites viewers to explore their own thoughts, emotions, and experiences, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves. 

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"Happy Hour" is a remarkable handmade ceramic sculpture that combines realism and symbolism to create a captivating narrative. Colored with natural ashes, this thought-provoking piece explores the complexities of human emotions and challenges societal norms.

At first glance, the sculpture portrays the head and bust of a male figure, instantly drawing you into its enigmatic presence. But it is the controversial expression on his face that truly intrigues. With a mixture of conflicting emotions, the sculpture captures the inner turmoil and contradictions that exist within us all.

It challenges us to contemplate the multifaceted nature of human existence and to question the facade of happiness that often permeates our lives. It serves as a reminder that beneath the surface of seemingly content individuals, there may be a world of conflicting emotions and unspoken truths.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss


A Don Quixote with a distorted head. Battling with the fiction of its own fantasy and who, probably doesn't even notice that they are just battling with a shapeless vision. 

The horse is a popular subject in fine art history. It represents vigorous spirit and driving force in life. The fact that the horses head is covered with a voile provokes an interest in what is hidden and what the visible does not show us. This interest can take the form of a decidedly intense feeling, a kind of conflict between the hidden visible and the apparent visible.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss



This artwork depicts the fragility of human existence.
Its theme, the contrast of the high hill versus the small man and the strong marks, evoke a strong feeling of empathy and self reflection. This etching, makes us think about our own place in the world, of the passing of time.

More on the Mircia’s artwork depicts the fragility of human existence. Its theme, the contrast of the high hill versus the small man and the strong marks, evoke a strong feeling of empathy and self reflection. This etching, makes us think about our own place in the world, of the passing of time.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The picture is part of the series Soul Representation Surrealism. If the observer observes the details carefully, he can notice that the clouds in the background have a silhouette similar to that of the crocodiles. So the clouds become the stones on which the rabbit can step as part of its journey, and finally the stairs become crocodiles, and as the last step a stone or a hole is visible, which wants to represent the rabbit's cavity in an abstract way. It is abstract, as it is surrounded by dashed lines, thus it is indicated by the geometric solution that if the rabbit jumps into the hole, it is not known exactly what it will find there. The exact meaning, the stairs of fear, can also be interpreted from the title of the picture. So the journey itself is about facing our fears and overcoming them. Also about the quality of fear itself, since our fears are often clouds, illusions, unreal barriers raised by ourselves, this is what the clouds symbolize. Furthermore, the crocodile, as actually terrifying forms, presents the conflict itself, the assumption of our decisions. The rabbit hole symbolizes that if we follow this psychological path, we often find ourselves in a new life situation that we did not expect.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Soul Depicting Surrealism series

Theme & Symbolism

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At first glance, the sculpture may appear unremarkable, depicting an everyday individual. But it is in this very simplicity that the true power of "Time to Shine" lies. It serves as a reminder that within every seemingly ordinary person, there is a spark, a talent, or a dream waiting to be unleashed.
The title, "Time to Shine," evokes a sense of opportunity and empowerment. It speaks to the moment when one realizes their own potential and decides to step into the spotlight, embracing their unique gifts and abilities. This sculpture serves as a visual representation of that transformative moment, inspiring viewers to embrace their own journey of self-discovery and self-expression.

"Time to Shine" is a celebration of the extraordinary potential that resides within each of us, waiting to be discovered and shared with the world. It reminds us that no matter how ordinary we may appear, we all have the ability to make a meaningful impact and leave a lasting legacy.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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In this dynamic work of art, we see a man, powerlessly falling and a hand reaching out to him. 
It all seems like a bad dream, ironically opposed to the title.
His clothing makes us think about a prisoner, maybe finally falling into his last journey? 

The hat represents authority and power. Because it usually covers the head, the hat contains thought; therefore, if it is changed, an opinion is changed. In this case it is placed on our prisoner, maybe showing that he lost his power.
The hand reaching out is a premonition to the desire to escape from daily responsibilities. 

suggested for: home corridor, office room

The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss

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Theme & Symbolism

As part of the "Soul Reflecting Surrealism Series," the artwork "Leafs Climbing Towards the Sky" (55 x 86 cm) captures the vibrant life and movement within nature. Leaves reach skyward, seeking sunlight, while a pair of hand-shaped leaves bend towards the water, seemingly thirsty and longing for warmth. The cloud and its reflection in the water take on the form of a flying figure, emphasizing the interconnectedness and communication that exists in nature. This interplay of endless movement, lightness, and eternal change creates a sense of profound beauty.

These artworks are just glimpses into my exploration of the surreal and symbolic realm, where nature and human experience intertwine, inviting viewers to reflect, question, and appreciate the wonders that surround us.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Soul Depicting Surrealism series

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This artwork depicts the vulnerability of the human soul. The four figures are seemingly floating helplessly in the universe, 
It is an expressionist artwork concealed as realism, its features are reinforced by the angles and edges of a deconstructed anatomy. 

Number 8 is often associated with prosperity and infinity. In literature, the Chinese epic “Journey to the West” features eight immortals, representing eternal life and boundless wisdom. In art, the “Endless Knot” is a recurring symbol in Tibetan Buddhism, signifying the interconnection of all things and the infinite nature of existence.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss

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The wheel of fortune and a cross with even sides, a sacral symbol.
In this artwork the wheel of fortune is holding a helpless, tortured human being.
It represents an internal conflict from within, which is seemingly bigger than the whole Universe. 


The Wheel of Fortune represents what we can't control. Life is constantly moving and we must move with it. Instead of enacting your will, open up your mind to the possibilities beyond your will.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss

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Introducing "Positive Burnout," the captivating inaugural piece of a mesmerizing series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract masterpiece delves into the depths of the human experience, exploring the delicate balance between ambition and exhaustion.
At the center of the sculpture lies the head and bust of a female figure, her form beautifully abstracted. The choice to depict a female figure symbolizes the strength and resilience that women possess, while also acknowledging the unique challenges they face in a demanding world.

Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an ethereal quality, evoking a sense of impermanence and introspection. The ashes symbolize the remnants of past efforts and the transformative power of letting go. They remind us that even in moments of burnout, there is potential for growth and renewal.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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In Hungary, along the beautiful Danube River, one can witness the graceful presence of cranes. Upon encountering these magnificent creatures, my curiosity was piqued, prompting me to explore their symbolic significance in various cultures. In Japan, the crane holds a special place among a realm of mystical and sacred creatures, symbolizing both good fortune and longevity. According to Japanese folklore, cranes are said to live for a thousand years, embodying a remarkable lifespan. Often referred to as the "bird of happiness," the crane is believed to carry departed souls to paradise, gracefully transporting them on its wings. Additionally, waves have long been regarded as symbols of the gods of the seas. The powerful and undulating patterns of churning waves represent strength and resilience, reminding us of the mighty forces of nature.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

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Sri Ramakrishna (master of Swami Vivekánanada) in the XIX. is considered one of the greatest saints of 19th century India. Detailed accounts of his eventful life, his devotion to the Mother of God Káli, his divine experiences, the often seemingly strange happenings of his everyday life, his teachings and his students, are left to us, which are summarized in the book titled "The Divine Swan". Reading the book inspired the creation of the painting. In the painting, in the left corner, you can see a crow on its way down. Due to the dark background and the more relaxed pictorial solutions, this part of the image may seem tired and difficult, while the swan turns towards the light, almost a silhouette of light surrounds its figure, it is about to take off. The two birds are twisted together, created from each other, yet they oppose each other. From this, we can conclude the deeper meaning of the image, i.e. that the crow basically symbolizes a difficult life situation, or pain, which can be released through transformation, and can develop into strength and inspiration in a person's life through interpretation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

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In Roman mythology, Fortuna is the personification and goddess of luck, fate, and the contingencies of life (Jupiter's first daughter). The meaning of her name: yield, yield, perhaps a Latinized version of the Etruscan Vortumna, which means a girl who turns every year. The symbol of its unpredictability is the wheel of fortune. In the Middle Ages, the wheel of Fortuna symbolized the capricious rotation of human life, following the ancient topos. This is perhaps a name referring to the cycle of life, which culminated in the medieval proverb Bona Rotae (rotating of fate).

The artist's skillful use of blue shades creates a serene and ethereal atmosphere, immersing viewers in a world of tranquility and contemplation. The fluidity of the girl's movements suggests a sense of grace and freedom, as if she is effortlessly navigating the depths of an underwater realm.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

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This captivating mixed technology painting combines digital and oil painting techniques to create a unique and visually striking self-portrait of the artist. The focal point of the artwork is the artist's face, which is depicted looking up with closed eyes and a serene expression of enjoyment. The artist's face is rendered with a pale complexion, emphasizing a sense of delicacy and vulnerability. Her lips are painted in a vibrant raspberry color, adding a pop of boldness and sensuality to the composition. The contrast between the pale complexion and the vivid lip color creates a visually striking effect, drawing attention to the artist's mouth and adding a touch of playfulness to the overall expression.

Surrounding the artist's face, blurred out lines create a sense of movement and energy. These lines add a dynamic element to the composition, suggesting a sense of the artist's creative process and the flow of ideas and emotions. The blurred lines also create a sense of depth and dimension, enhancing the overall visual impact of the artwork.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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In this silent or better said, silenced lonely character, we can recognize our long hidden selves. 
The representation  with the empty background is dreamlike, it makes it feel like a captured moment of human misery.  

Mircia’s artwork in this case as well depicts the fragility of human existence. 
The old man raises his finger to his pursed lips and warns you to be silent, or silencing himself? 
According to Aristotle, the hand is the "tool of tools." In general it is strength, power and protection. However, it can just as easily mean generosity, hospitality and stability; "lend a hand".

suggested for: home corridor, office room

The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss

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Introducing "Positive Burnout," series the captivating inaugural piece of a mesmerizing series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract masterpiece delves into the depths of the human experience, exploring the delicate balance between ambition and exhaustion.
Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an ethereal quality, evoking a sense of impermanence and introspection. The ashes symbolize the remnants of past efforts and the transformative power of letting go. They remind us that even in moments of burnout, there is potential for growth and renewal.

The title, "Positive Burnout," immediately sparks curiosity and intrigue. It delves into the paradoxical nature of our modern lives, where the pursuit of success and fulfillment often leads to overwhelming exhaustion. This sculpture serves as a visual representation of this phenomenon, reminding us of the delicate equilibrium we strive to achieve.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Mircia Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" offer a captivating exploration of rural scenes in pastel colors, depicting elements such as fences, houses, and fields. These tranquil and serene compositions evoke a sense of connection to the land and the people who inhabit it, inviting viewers to reflect on their own relationship with nature, community, and spirituality.

The gentle hues and soft tones used in Dumitrescu's paintings create a dreamlike atmosphere, imbuing the scenes with a sense of timelessness and introspection. The pastel colors evoke a feeling of nostalgia and contemplation, encouraging viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the quiet beauty of the Romanian landscape.

Overall, Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" exude a feeling of self-reflection through their tranquil beauty, symbolic imagery, and evocative use of pastel colors. As viewers immerse themselves in these serene rural scenes, they are invited to contemplate their own place in the world, their connections to nature and community, and the spiritual dimensions of their existence. The paintings serve as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and find moments of quiet introspection in the midst of life's busyness.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Mircia Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" offer a captivating exploration of rural scenes in pastel colors, depicting elements such as fences, houses, and fields. These tranquil and serene compositions evoke a sense of connection to the land and the people who inhabit it, inviting viewers to reflect on their own relationship with nature, community, and spirituality.

The gentle hues and soft tones used in Dumitrescu's paintings create a dreamlike atmosphere, imbuing the scenes with a sense of timelessness and introspection. The pastel colors evoke a feeling of nostalgia and contemplation, encouraging viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the quiet beauty of the Romanian landscape.

Overall, Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" exude a feeling of self-reflection through their tranquil beauty, symbolic imagery, and evocative use of pastel colors. As viewers immerse themselves in these serene rural scenes, they are invited to contemplate their own place in the world, their connections to nature and community, and the spiritual dimensions of their existence. The paintings serve as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and find moments of quiet introspection in the midst of life's busyness.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Mircia Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" offer a captivating exploration of rural scenes in pastel colors, depicting elements such as fences, houses, and fields. These tranquil and serene compositions evoke a sense of connection to the land and the people who inhabit it, inviting viewers to reflect on their own relationship with nature, community, and spirituality.

The gentle hues and soft tones used in Dumitrescu's paintings create a dreamlike atmosphere, imbuing the scenes with a sense of timelessness and introspection. The pastel colors evoke a feeling of nostalgia and contemplation, encouraging viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the quiet beauty of the Romanian landscape.

Overall, Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" exude a feeling of self-reflection through their tranquil beauty, symbolic imagery, and evocative use of pastel colors. As viewers immerse themselves in these serene rural scenes, they are invited to contemplate their own place in the world, their connections to nature and community, and the spiritual dimensions of their existence. The paintings serve as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and find moments of quiet introspection in the midst of life's busyness.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Mircia Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" offer a captivating exploration of rural scenes in pastel colors, depicting elements such as fences, houses, and fields. These tranquil and serene compositions evoke a sense of connection to the land and the people who inhabit it, inviting viewers to reflect on their own relationship with nature, community, and spirituality.

The gentle hues and soft tones used in Dumitrescu's paintings create a dreamlike atmosphere, imbuing the scenes with a sense of timelessness and introspection. The pastel colors evoke a feeling of nostalgia and contemplation, encouraging viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the quiet beauty of the Romanian landscape.

Overall, Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" exude a feeling of self-reflection through their tranquil beauty, symbolic imagery, and evocative use of pastel colors. As viewers immerse themselves in these serene rural scenes, they are invited to contemplate their own place in the world, their connections to nature and community, and the spiritual dimensions of their existence. The paintings serve as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and find moments of quiet introspection in the midst of life's busyness.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea

Dan Badea's painting "Dialogue" is a captivating piece filled with rich symbolism. The presence of two characters, a female with a large speaker at her mouth and a male with a fish at his ear, immediately draws the viewer's attention. The juxtaposition of these objects suggests a contrast in communication styles or perhaps a struggle to be heard or understood. 
The choice of a speaker amplifies the idea of the female figure's voice being powerful or dominant, while the fish at the male figure's ear may symbolize receptivity or a sense of being overwhelmed by information. This could hint at themes of gender dynamics, communication barriers, or the complexities of interpersonal relationships.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea

Dan Badea's portrayal of a fisherman character in his painting evokes a sense of nostalgia and tranquility. The fisherman stands as a timeless symbol of resilience, patience, and connection to nature. Through his depiction, Badea captures the essence of quiet contemplation and the simplicity of a life lived close to the water.

The fisherman's presence in the painting may symbolize themes of hard work, harmony with the environment, or the pursuit of a humble livelihood. The act of fishing is often associated with patience and the delicate balance between man and nature, reflecting a deeper connection to life's rhythms.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea

The presence of two women and a man in the meeting adds a dynamic element to the scene, hinting at potential power dynamics, differing perspectives, or diverse personalities coming together in a shared space.
Badea's artistic interpretation of this meeting scene likely reflects his interest in human interaction, communication, and the complexities of interpersonal relationships. The artist's attention to detail, composition, and use of color may further enhance the storytelling aspect of the painting, inviting viewers to imagine the conversations or narratives unfolding within this intimate gathering.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea

The fragments of old post mail in Dan Badea's painting "Chevalier" not only add a sense of history and communication but also evoke the idea of travel and personal journey. Each torn piece of mail carries with it a sense of movement and transition, as if it has traveled from one place to another, carrying messages and stories along the way.
The imagery of old post mail fragments suggests a sense of exploration and discovery, as if the chevalier figure is on a personal journey through time and space. 
The collages of old post mail serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of individuals and the stories that bind us together, highlighting the universal themes of travel, communication, and the human experience.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea

The image of the soldier or a knight is a broad subject taken from vintage photographs, treated in its own way, of the plastic soldier, the puppet man, the knight errant, a subject that refers to childhood and the idea of ​​travel, personal journey.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea

The figure's posture, bracing themselves in a position of vulnerability and surrender, speaks to the universal experience of seeking solace and rest in the midst of life's turbulence. This poignant portrayal prompts viewers to pause and reflect on their own relationship with rest, tranquility, and the challenges that surround them.
The chaotic environment that envelops the sleeping figure serves as a metaphor for the complexities and uncertainties of the world around us. It prompts us to consider how we navigate through the noise and distractions of life, seeking moments of stillness and introspection to find clarity and inner peace.
As we immerse ourselves in the contemplative atmosphere of "Sleepiness," we are encouraged to look inward, to explore our own inner landscapes, and to consider how we can find moments of respite and reflection amidst the chaos of our daily lives. The painting becomes a mirror through which we can examine our own relationship with rest, self-care, and the pursuit of inner harmony.

suggested for:  living room, bedroom

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea
In Dan Badea's thought-provoking painting titled "Vox Populi," the artist presents a compelling visual narrative that delves into the concept of public opinion and the influence of propaganda on society. The composition features a male character at the center, surrounded by a collage of drawings depicting various people and propaganda-like texts in Romanian language on either side of him

The title "Vox Populi," which translates to "voice of the people," hints at the central theme of the painting - the power and impact of collective opinion and mass communication. Through the juxtaposition of the male figure with the surrounding collage of drawings and texts, Badea explores the complexities of how individuals are shaped by societal influences, media messages, and public discourse.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea
The series of letter-sized paintings titled "Letters for Own Identity" by Romanian author Dan Badea delves into themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the search for identity. Created using a mixed technique of paint, collage, and crayons, each of the 13 pieces in the series offers a unique exploration of these themes through a combination of colorful nonfigurative elements, figures, enigmas, and the incorporation of glued postage stamps.

The series of letter-sized paintings titled "Letters for Own Identity" by Romanian author Dan Badea delves into themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the search for identity. Created using a mixed technique of paint, collage, and crayons, each of the 13 pieces in the series offers a unique exploration of these themes through a combination of colorful nonfigurative elements, figures, enigmas, and the incorporation of glued postage stamps.

The use of mixed media in these paintings allows for a rich and layered aesthetic, symbolizing the complexity of the human experience and the multifaceted nature of individual identity. The vibrant colors and abstract forms reflect the diversity of emotions, memories, and experiences that shape one's sense of self. The figures and enigmas present in the artworks suggest a deeper narrative or mystery waiting to be unraveled, inviting viewers to engage with the paintings on a more introspective level.

The inclusion of glued postage stamps adds an additional layer of symbolism to the series. Postage stamps are often associated with communication, connection, and the passage of time. By incorporating these elements into the artworks, Dan Badea may be hinting at the idea of personal correspondences, messages, or journeys that contribute to the formation of one's identity.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea

The symbolism within the artwork speaks to themes of self-care, introspection, and the importance of finding moments of respite in our busy lives. The woman's posture and closed eyes convey a state of restfulness and inner calm, highlighting the significance of taking time to unwind and recharge both physically and emotionally.
Surrounding the woman are various household objects such as teapots and plants, which serve as symbols of domesticity and nurturing. The presence of these familiar objects adds a sense of comfort and familiarity to the scene, suggesting that the woman has created a cozy and inviting space for herself to retreat and unwind.
The use of a blue dress worn by the woman can be symbolic of tranquility, peace, and harmony. Blue is often associated with serenity and relaxation, reflecting the peaceful state of mind that the woman in the painting is experiencing as she rests on the couch.
The painting serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize our well-being and to embrace moments of quietude and rejuvenation, ultimately emphasizing the value of nurturing our inner selves in the midst of life's hustle and bustle.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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Theme and Symbolism

In Mircia Dumitrescu's aquarelle painting featuring a clown in green shades with his arm outstretched against a deep bluish background, the clown holds significant symbolism. Traditionally, clowns are associated with entertainment, humor, and performance. However, in this particular painting, the clown takes on a deeper and more introspective meaning.

The clown's presence in the painting may symbolize the complexities and contradictions of human nature. Clowns are often seen as figures who hide their true emotions behind a mask of exaggerated joy and laughter. The clown's green attire, representing growth and renewal, could suggest that beneath the facade of performance lies a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Additionally, the outstretched arm of the clown, as if inviting the viewer to engage or reflect, may symbolize vulnerability and openness. The clown's gesture could be interpreted as a call to look beyond appearances and delve into deeper emotions and thoughts within oneself.

Overall, the significance of the clown in Mircia Dumitrescu's painting lies in its ability to evoke introspection, self-reflection, and a deeper exploration of the complexities of human experience.

suggested for: corridor, office, living room

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Theme and Symbolism

In this aquarelle painting by Romanian artist Mircia Dumitrescu, we are presented with a circus musician playing the drums. The musician is depicted in pastel deep blue and red shades, adding a sense of depth and richness to the composition.
The use of these colors can carry symbolic meanings, with blue often representing tranquility, depth, and wisdom, while red is associated with passion, energy, and vitality.

The circus musician, engaged in playing the drums, embodies the concept of creativity and artistic talent. The drums symbolize rhythm, harmony, and the ability to create music that resonates with others. The musician's actions convey a sense of passion and dedication to their craft.

The empty background in the painting, with the musician's shadow subtly visible behind her, adds an intriguing element to the composition. The shadow could represent the inner self, hidden aspects of the musician's personality, or the idea of the subconscious mind. It suggests a duality of existence, with the visible musician in the foreground and her shadow hinting at deeper layers of identity and emotion.

suggested for: corridor, office, living room

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Theme and Symbolism

The aquarelle paintings from Constantin Baciu's "Country Life" series offer a charming, delicate, and easy-going portrayal of rural existence, yet beneath the surface lies a deeper theme of nostalgia and self-reflection. Through evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, Baciu captures moments of introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience. The paintings in the series depict a range of themes that touch upon universal emotions and experiences. 

Loneliness, depicted against black backgrounds in some of Baciu's paintings, conveys a profound sense of isolation and solitude. The stark contrast of the black backdrop against the solitary figures underscores the theme of loneliness, inviting viewers to contemplate the universal experience of feeling disconnected from others and the search for connection and belonging.

Overall, Constantin Baciu's aquarelle paintings in the "Country Life" series offer a nuanced exploration of human emotions and experiences, blending nostalgia, reflection, and empathy in a visually captivating and emotionally resonant manner. Through his evocative imagery and symbolic storytelling, Baciu invites viewers to engage with the complexities of rural life and the universal themes of aging, family, childhood, and solitude.

suggested for: corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

The aquarelle paintings from Constantin Baciu's "Country Life" series offer a charming, delicate, and easy-going portrayal of rural existence, yet beneath the surface lies a deeper theme of nostalgia and self-reflection. Through evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, Baciu captures moments of introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience.

The paintings in the series depict a range of themes that touch upon universal emotions and experiences. The portrayal of elderly figures conveys a sense of wisdom, resilience, and the passage of time, evoking feelings of nostalgia and reflection on the inevitability of aging. The grandma figure symbolizes nurturance, tradition, and the ties that bind generations together, highlighting the importance of family and community in shaping one's identity.

Overall, Constantin Baciu's aquarelle paintings in the "Country Life" series offer a nuanced exploration of human emotions and experiences, blending nostalgia, reflection, and empathy in a visually captivating and emotionally resonant manner. Through his evocative imagery and symbolic storytelling, Baciu invites viewers to engage with the complexities of rural life and the universal themes of aging, family, childhood, and solitude.

suggested for: corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

The aquarelle paintings from Constantin Baciu's "Country Life" series offer a charming, delicate, and easy-going portrayal of rural existence, yet beneath the surface lies a deeper theme of nostalgia and self-reflection. Through evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, Baciu captures moments of introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience.

The paintings in the series depict a range of themes that touch upon universal emotions and experiences. The portrayal of elderly figures conveys a sense of wisdom, resilience, and the passage of time, evoking feelings of nostalgia and reflection on the inevitability of aging. The grandma figure symbolizes nurturance, tradition, and the ties that bind generations together, highlighting the importance of family and community in shaping one's identity.

Overall, Constantin Baciu's aquarelle paintings in the "Country Life" series offer a nuanced exploration of human emotions and experiences, blending nostalgia, reflection, and empathy in a visually captivating and emotionally resonant manner. Through his evocative imagery and symbolic storytelling, Baciu invites viewers to engage with the complexities of rural life and the universal themes of aging, family, childhood, and solitude.

suggested for: corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

The aquarelle paintings from Constantin Baciu's "Country Life" series offer a charming, delicate, and easy-going portrayal of rural existence, yet beneath the surface lies a deeper theme of nostalgia and self-reflection. Through evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, Baciu captures moments of introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience.

The paintings in the series depict a range of themes that touch upon universal emotions and experiences. The portrayal of elderly figures conveys a sense of wisdom, resilience, and the passage of time, evoking feelings of nostalgia and reflection on the inevitability of aging. The grandma figure symbolizes nurturance, tradition, and the ties that bind generations together, highlighting the importance of family and community in shaping one's identity

Loneliness, depicted against black backgrounds in some of Baciu's paintings, conveys a profound sense of isolation and solitude. The stark contrast of the black backdrop against the solitary figures underscores the theme of loneliness, inviting viewers to contemplate the universal experience of feeling disconnected from others and the search for connection and belonging.

suggested for: corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

Drawing inspiration from the legendary tale of St George, the renowned dragon slayer, this painting captures the essence of bravery, heroism, and triumph over adversity. 

The use of a striking color palette adds depth and intensity to the artwork, reflecting the contrasting emotions and forces at play in the story. The artist's unique interpretation infuses the composition with a sense of mystical enchantment, inviting viewers to delve into the realm of imagination and symbolism.

The presence of the angelic head within the painting adds an ethereal quality, hinting at divine guidance and protection in St George's quest. It serves as a poignant reminder of the spiritual and symbolic elements intertwined with the historical narrative.

"St George" is a captivating artwork that invites contemplation and reflection. It serves as a testament to the power of art to convey stories, evoke emotions, and inspire a sense of wonder. 

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

The aquarelle paintings from Constantin Baciu's "Country Life" series offer a charming, delicate, and easy-going portrayal of rural existence, yet beneath the surface lies a deeper theme of nostalgia and self-reflection. Through evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, Baciu captures moments of introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience.

Bullying amongst children is a poignant theme that speaks to the harsh realities of childhood and the lasting impact of hurtful actions. Baciu's portrayal of this subject serves as a reminder of the need for empathy, understanding, and kindness in our interactions with others, prompting viewers to reflect on their own attitudes towards bullying and its consequences.

Overall, Constantin Baciu's aquarelle paintings in the "Country Life" series offer a nuanced exploration of human emotions and experiences, blending nostalgia, reflection, and empathy in a visually captivating and emotionally resonant manner. Through his evocative imagery and symbolic storytelling, Baciu invites viewers to engage with the complexities of rural life and the universal themes of aging, family, childhood, and solitude.

suggested for: corridor, office room

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The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss


A Don Quixote with a distorted head. Battling with the fiction of its own fantasy and who, probably doesn't even notice that they are just battling with a shapeless vision. 

The horse is a popular subject in fine art history. It represents vigorous spirit and driving force in life. The fact that the horses head is covered with a voile provokes an interest in what is hidden and what the visible does not show us. This interest can take the form of a decidedly intense feeling, a kind of conflict between the hidden visible and the apparent visible.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss



This artwork depicts the fragility of human existence.
Its theme, the contrast of the high hill versus the small man and the strong marks, evoke a strong feeling of empathy and self reflection. This etching, makes us think about our own place in the world, of the passing of time.

More on the Mircia’s artwork depicts the fragility of human existence. Its theme, the contrast of the high hill versus the small man and the strong marks, evoke a strong feeling of empathy and self reflection. This etching, makes us think about our own place in the world, of the passing of time.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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In this dynamic work of art, we see a man, powerlessly falling and a hand reaching out to him. 
It all seems like a bad dream, ironically opposed to the title.
His clothing makes us think about a prisoner, maybe finally falling into his last journey? 

The hat represents authority and power. Because it usually covers the head, the hat contains thought; therefore, if it is changed, an opinion is changed. In this case it is placed on our prisoner, maybe showing that he lost his power.
The hand reaching out is a premonition to the desire to escape from daily responsibilities. 

suggested for: home corridor, office room

The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss

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This artwork depicts the vulnerability of the human soul. The four figures are seemingly floating helplessly in the universe, 
It is an expressionist artwork concealed as realism, its features are reinforced by the angles and edges of a deconstructed anatomy. 

Number 8 is often associated with prosperity and infinity. In literature, the Chinese epic “Journey to the West” features eight immortals, representing eternal life and boundless wisdom. In art, the “Endless Knot” is a recurring symbol in Tibetan Buddhism, signifying the interconnection of all things and the infinite nature of existence.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss

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The wheel of fortune and a cross with even sides, a sacral symbol.
In this artwork the wheel of fortune is holding a helpless, tortured human being.
It represents an internal conflict from within, which is seemingly bigger than the whole Universe. 


The Wheel of Fortune represents what we can't control. Life is constantly moving and we must move with it. Instead of enacting your will, open up your mind to the possibilities beyond your will.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

The Biblical Anthropology collection
hommage to Claude Lévi-Strauss

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The picture is part of the series Soul Representation Surrealism. If the observer observes the details carefully, he can notice that the clouds in the background have a silhouette similar to that of the crocodiles. So the clouds become the stones on which the rabbit can step as part of its journey, and finally the stairs become crocodiles, and as the last step a stone or a hole is visible, which wants to represent the rabbit's cavity in an abstract way. It is abstract, as it is surrounded by dashed lines, thus it is indicated by the geometric solution that if the rabbit jumps into the hole, it is not known exactly what it will find there. The exact meaning, the stairs of fear, can also be interpreted from the title of the picture. So the journey itself is about facing our fears and overcoming them. Also about the quality of fear itself, since our fears are often clouds, illusions, unreal barriers raised by ourselves, this is what the clouds symbolize. Furthermore, the crocodile, as actually terrifying forms, presents the conflict itself, the assumption of our decisions. The rabbit hole symbolizes that if we follow this psychological path, we often find ourselves in a new life situation that we did not expect.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Soul Depicting Surrealism series

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Theme & Symbolism

As part of the "Soul Reflecting Surrealism Series," the artwork "Leafs Climbing Towards the Sky" (55 x 86 cm) captures the vibrant life and movement within nature. Leaves reach skyward, seeking sunlight, while a pair of hand-shaped leaves bend towards the water, seemingly thirsty and longing for warmth. The cloud and its reflection in the water take on the form of a flying figure, emphasizing the interconnectedness and communication that exists in nature. This interplay of endless movement, lightness, and eternal change creates a sense of profound beauty.

These artworks are just glimpses into my exploration of the surreal and symbolic realm, where nature and human experience intertwine, inviting viewers to reflect, question, and appreciate the wonders that surround us.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Soul Depicting Surrealism series

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In Hungary, along the beautiful Danube River, one can witness the graceful presence of cranes. Upon encountering these magnificent creatures, my curiosity was piqued, prompting me to explore their symbolic significance in various cultures. In Japan, the crane holds a special place among a realm of mystical and sacred creatures, symbolizing both good fortune and longevity. According to Japanese folklore, cranes are said to live for a thousand years, embodying a remarkable lifespan. Often referred to as the "bird of happiness," the crane is believed to carry departed souls to paradise, gracefully transporting them on its wings. Additionally, waves have long been regarded as symbols of the gods of the seas. The powerful and undulating patterns of churning waves represent strength and resilience, reminding us of the mighty forces of nature.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Sri Ramakrishna (master of Swami Vivekánanada) in the XIX. is considered one of the greatest saints of 19th century India. Detailed accounts of his eventful life, his devotion to the Mother of God Káli, his divine experiences, the often seemingly strange happenings of his everyday life, his teachings and his students, are left to us, which are summarized in the book titled "The Divine Swan". Reading the book inspired the creation of the painting. In the painting, in the left corner, you can see a crow on its way down. Due to the dark background and the more relaxed pictorial solutions, this part of the image may seem tired and difficult, while the swan turns towards the light, almost a silhouette of light surrounds its figure, it is about to take off. The two birds are twisted together, created from each other, yet they oppose each other. From this, we can conclude the deeper meaning of the image, i.e. that the crow basically symbolizes a difficult life situation, or pain, which can be released through transformation, and can develop into strength and inspiration in a person's life through interpretation.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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In Roman mythology, Fortuna is the personification and goddess of luck, fate, and the contingencies of life (Jupiter's first daughter). The meaning of her name: yield, yield, perhaps a Latinized version of the Etruscan Vortumna, which means a girl who turns every year. The symbol of its unpredictability is the wheel of fortune. In the Middle Ages, the wheel of Fortuna symbolized the capricious rotation of human life, following the ancient topos. This is perhaps a name referring to the cycle of life, which culminated in the medieval proverb Bona Rotae (rotating of fate).

The artist's skillful use of blue shades creates a serene and ethereal atmosphere, immersing viewers in a world of tranquility and contemplation. The fluidity of the girl's movements suggests a sense of grace and freedom, as if she is effortlessly navigating the depths of an underwater realm.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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This captivating mixed technology painting combines digital and oil painting techniques to create a unique and visually striking self-portrait of the artist. The focal point of the artwork is the artist's face, which is depicted looking up with closed eyes and a serene expression of enjoyment. The artist's face is rendered with a pale complexion, emphasizing a sense of delicacy and vulnerability. Her lips are painted in a vibrant raspberry color, adding a pop of boldness and sensuality to the composition. The contrast between the pale complexion and the vivid lip color creates a visually striking effect, drawing attention to the artist's mouth and adding a touch of playfulness to the overall expression.

Surrounding the artist's face, blurred out lines create a sense of movement and energy. These lines add a dynamic element to the composition, suggesting a sense of the artist's creative process and the flow of ideas and emotions. The blurred lines also create a sense of depth and dimension, enhancing the overall visual impact of the artwork.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Mircia Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" offer a captivating exploration of rural scenes in pastel colors, depicting elements such as fences, houses, and fields. These tranquil and serene compositions evoke a sense of connection to the land and the people who inhabit it, inviting viewers to reflect on their own relationship with nature, community, and spirituality.

The gentle hues and soft tones used in Dumitrescu's paintings create a dreamlike atmosphere, imbuing the scenes with a sense of timelessness and introspection. The pastel colors evoke a feeling of nostalgia and contemplation, encouraging viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the quiet beauty of the Romanian landscape.

Overall, Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" exude a feeling of self-reflection through their tranquil beauty, symbolic imagery, and evocative use of pastel colors. As viewers immerse themselves in these serene rural scenes, they are invited to contemplate their own place in the world, their connections to nature and community, and the spiritual dimensions of their existence. The paintings serve as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and find moments of quiet introspection in the midst of life's busyness.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Mircia Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" offer a captivating exploration of rural scenes in pastel colors, depicting elements such as fences, houses, and fields. These tranquil and serene compositions evoke a sense of connection to the land and the people who inhabit it, inviting viewers to reflect on their own relationship with nature, community, and spirituality.

The gentle hues and soft tones used in Dumitrescu's paintings create a dreamlike atmosphere, imbuing the scenes with a sense of timelessness and introspection. The pastel colors evoke a feeling of nostalgia and contemplation, encouraging viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the quiet beauty of the Romanian landscape.

Overall, Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" exude a feeling of self-reflection through their tranquil beauty, symbolic imagery, and evocative use of pastel colors. As viewers immerse themselves in these serene rural scenes, they are invited to contemplate their own place in the world, their connections to nature and community, and the spiritual dimensions of their existence. The paintings serve as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and find moments of quiet introspection in the midst of life's busyness.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Mircia Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" offer a captivating exploration of rural scenes in pastel colors, depicting elements such as fences, houses, and fields. These tranquil and serene compositions evoke a sense of connection to the land and the people who inhabit it, inviting viewers to reflect on their own relationship with nature, community, and spirituality.

The gentle hues and soft tones used in Dumitrescu's paintings create a dreamlike atmosphere, imbuing the scenes with a sense of timelessness and introspection. The pastel colors evoke a feeling of nostalgia and contemplation, encouraging viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the quiet beauty of the Romanian landscape.

Overall, Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" exude a feeling of self-reflection through their tranquil beauty, symbolic imagery, and evocative use of pastel colors. As viewers immerse themselves in these serene rural scenes, they are invited to contemplate their own place in the world, their connections to nature and community, and the spiritual dimensions of their existence. The paintings serve as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and find moments of quiet introspection in the midst of life's busyness.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

Mircia Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" offer a captivating exploration of rural scenes in pastel colors, depicting elements such as fences, houses, and fields. These tranquil and serene compositions evoke a sense of connection to the land and the people who inhabit it, inviting viewers to reflect on their own relationship with nature, community, and spirituality.

The gentle hues and soft tones used in Dumitrescu's paintings create a dreamlike atmosphere, imbuing the scenes with a sense of timelessness and introspection. The pastel colors evoke a feeling of nostalgia and contemplation, encouraging viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the quiet beauty of the Romanian landscape.

Overall, Dumitrescu's aquarelle paintings from the series "Romanian Landscape with People and Saints" exude a feeling of self-reflection through their tranquil beauty, symbolic imagery, and evocative use of pastel colors. As viewers immerse themselves in these serene rural scenes, they are invited to contemplate their own place in the world, their connections to nature and community, and the spiritual dimensions of their existence. The paintings serve as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and find moments of quiet introspection in the midst of life's busyness.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way."

Dan Badea's painting "Dialogue" is a captivating piece filled with rich symbolism. The presence of two characters, a female with a large speaker at her mouth and a male with a fish at his ear, immediately draws the viewer's attention. The juxtaposition of these objects suggests a contrast in communication styles or perhaps a struggle to be heard or understood. 
The choice of a speaker amplifies the idea of the female figure's voice being powerful or dominant, while the fish at the male figure's ear may symbolize receptivity or a sense of being overwhelmed by information. This could hint at themes of gender dynamics, communication barriers, or the complexities of interpersonal relationships.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way."

Dan Badea's portrayal of a fisherman character in his painting evokes a sense of nostalgia and tranquility. The fisherman stands as a timeless symbol of resilience, patience, and connection to nature. Through his depiction, Badea captures the essence of quiet contemplation and the simplicity of a life lived close to the water.
The fisherman's presence in the painting may symbolize themes of hard work, harmony with the environment, or the pursuit of a humble livelihood. The act of fishing is often associated with patience and the delicate balance between man and nature, reflecting a deeper connection to life's rhythms.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." 

The presence of two women and a man in the meeting adds a dynamic element to the scene, hinting at potential power dynamics, differing perspectives, or diverse personalities coming together in a shared space.
Badea's artistic interpretation of this meeting scene likely reflects his interest in human interaction, communication, and the complexities of interpersonal relationships. The artist's attention to detail, composition, and use of color may further enhance the storytelling aspect of the painting, inviting viewers to imagine the conversations or narratives unfolding within this intimate gathering.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea

The fragments of old post mail in Dan Badea's painting "Chevalier" not only add a sense of history and communication but also evoke the idea of travel and personal journey. Each torn piece of mail carries with it a sense of movement and transition, as if it has traveled from one place to another, carrying messages and stories along the way.
The imagery of old post mail fragments suggests a sense of exploration and discovery, as if the chevalier figure is on a personal journey through time and space. 
The collages of old post mail serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of individuals and the stories that bind us together, highlighting the universal themes of travel, communication, and the human experience.

suggested for: corridor, office, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea

The image of the soldier or a knight is a broad subject taken from vintage photographs, treated in its own way, of the plastic soldier, the puppet man, the knight errant, a subject that refers to childhood and the idea of ​​travel, personal journey.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea

The figure's posture, bracing themselves in a position of vulnerability and surrender, speaks to the universal experience of seeking solace and rest in the midst of life's turbulence. This poignant portrayal prompts viewers to pause and reflect on their own relationship with rest, tranquility, and the challenges that surround them. The chaotic environment that envelops the sleeping figure serves as a metaphor for the complexities and uncertainties of the world around us. It prompts us to consider how we navigate through the noise and distractions of life, seeking moments of stillness and introspection to find clarity and inner peace.
As we immerse ourselves in the contemplative atmosphere of "Sleepiness," we are encouraged to look inward, to explore our own inner landscapes, and to consider how we can find moments of respite and reflection amidst the chaos of our daily lives. The painting becomes a mirror through which we can examine our own relationship with rest, self-care, and the pursuit of inner harmony.

suggested for:  living room, bedroom

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." Dan Badea
The series of letter-sized paintings titled "Letters for Own Identity" by Romanian author Dan Badea delves into themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the search for identity. Created using a mixed technique of paint, collage, and crayons, each of the 13 pieces in the series offers a unique exploration of these themes through a combination of colorful nonfigurative elements, figures, enigmas, and the incorporation of glued postage stamps.

The use of mixed media in these paintings allows for a rich and layered aesthetic, symbolizing the complexity of the human experience and the multifaceted nature of individual identity. The vibrant colors and abstract forms reflect the diversity of emotions, memories, and experiences that shape one's sense of self. The figures and enigmas present in the artworks suggest a deeper narrative or mystery waiting to be unraveled, inviting viewers to engage with the paintings on a more introspective level.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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"Each work is a call to personal and collective memory. The idea of ​​recovering through collage fragments of workshop drawings, of inserting text, the combinations of pastel, pasty material, transparent surfaces, glazes, in a post-modernist approach, in which I emphasize with irony and try to cut out the atmosphere of a period of time.
A politically difficult period, that of the 80s, which created and shaped mentalities still found today, finds its place in my artistic concerns.
These characters have domestic activities, with a whole inventory of household objects, some invented, convey a common image, in which I hope each viewer finds himself in some way." 

The symbolism within the artwork speaks to themes of self-care, introspection, and the importance of finding moments of respite in our busy lives. The woman's posture and closed eyes convey a state of restfulness and inner calm, highlighting the significance of taking time to unwind and recharge both physically and emotionally. Surrounding the woman are various household objects such as teapots and plants, which serve as symbols of domesticity and nurturing. The presence of these familiar objects adds a sense of comfort and familiarity to the scene, suggesting that the woman has created a cozy and inviting space for herself to retreat and unwind.
The painting serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize our well-being and to embrace moments of quietude and rejuvenation, ultimately emphasizing the value of nurturing our inner selves in the midst of life's hustle and bustle.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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Theme and Symbolism

In Mircia Dumitrescu's aquarelle painting featuring a clown in green shades with his arm outstretched against a deep bluish background, the clown holds significant symbolism. Traditionally, clowns are associated with entertainment, humor, and performance. However, in this particular painting, the clown takes on a deeper and more introspective meaning.

The clown's presence in the painting may symbolize the complexities and contradictions of human nature. Clowns are often seen as figures who hide their true emotions behind a mask of exaggerated joy and laughter. The clown's green attire, representing growth and renewal, could suggest that beneath the facade of performance lies a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
Additionally, the outstretched arm of the clown, as if inviting the viewer to engage or reflect, may symbolize vulnerability and openness. The clown's gesture could be interpreted as a call to look beyond appearances and delve into deeper emotions and thoughts within oneself.

Overall, the significance of the clown in Mircia Dumitrescu's painting lies in its ability to evoke introspection, self-reflection, and a deeper exploration of the complexities of human experience.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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Theme and Symbolism

In this aquarelle painting by Romanian artist Mircia Dumitrescu, we are presented with a circus musician playing the drums. The musician is depicted in pastel deep blue and red shades, adding a sense of depth and richness to the composition.
The use of these colors can carry symbolic meanings, with blue often representing tranquility, depth, and wisdom, while red is associated with passion, energy, and vitality.

The circus musician, engaged in playing the drums, embodies the concept of creativity and artistic talent. The drums symbolize rhythm, harmony, and the ability to create music that resonates with others. The musician's actions convey a sense of passion and dedication to their craft.

The empty background in the painting, with the musician's shadow subtly visible behind her, adds an intriguing element to the composition. The shadow could represent the inner self, hidden aspects of the musician's personality, or the idea of the subconscious mind. It suggests a duality of existence, with the visible musician in the foreground and her shadow hinting at deeper layers of identity and emotion.

suggested for: corridor, office room, living room

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Theme and Symbolism

The aquarelle paintings from Constantin Baciu's "Country Life" series offer a charming, delicate, and easy-going portrayal of rural existence, yet beneath the surface lies a deeper theme of nostalgia and self-reflection. Through evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, Baciu captures moments of introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience. The paintings in the series depict a range of themes that touch upon universal emotions and experiences. 

Loneliness, depicted against black backgrounds in some of Baciu's paintings, conveys a profound sense of isolation and solitude. The stark contrast of the black backdrop against the solitary figures underscores the theme of loneliness, inviting viewers to contemplate the universal experience of feeling disconnected from others and the search for connection and belonging.

Overall, Constantin Baciu's aquarelle paintings in the "Country Life" series offer a nuanced exploration of human emotions and experiences, blending nostalgia, reflection, and empathy in a visually captivating and emotionally resonant manner. Through his evocative imagery and symbolic storytelling, Baciu invites viewers to engage with the complexities of rural life and the universal themes of aging, family, childhood, and solitude.

suggested for: corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

The aquarelle paintings from Constantin Baciu's "Country Life" series offer a charming, delicate, and easy-going portrayal of rural existence, yet beneath the surface lies a deeper theme of nostalgia and self-reflection. Through evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, Baciu captures moments of introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience.

The paintings in the series depict a range of themes that touch upon universal emotions and experiences. The portrayal of elderly figures conveys a sense of wisdom, resilience, and the passage of time, evoking feelings of nostalgia and reflection on the inevitability of aging. The grandma figure symbolizes nurturance, tradition, and the ties that bind generations together, highlighting the importance of family and community in shaping one's identity.

Overall, Constantin Baciu's aquarelle paintings in the "Country Life" series offer a nuanced exploration of human emotions and experiences, blending nostalgia, reflection, and empathy in a visually captivating and emotionally resonant manner. Through his evocative imagery and symbolic storytelling, Baciu invites viewers to engage with the complexities of rural life and the universal themes of aging, family, childhood, and solitude.

suggested for: corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

The aquarelle paintings from Constantin Baciu's "Country Life" series offer a charming, delicate, and easy-going portrayal of rural existence, yet beneath the surface lies a deeper theme of nostalgia and self-reflection. Through evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, Baciu captures moments of introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience.

The paintings in the series depict a range of themes that touch upon universal emotions and experiences. The portrayal of elderly figures conveys a sense of wisdom, resilience, and the passage of time, evoking feelings of nostalgia and reflection on the inevitability of aging. The grandma figure symbolizes nurturance, tradition, and the ties that bind generations together, highlighting the importance of family and community in shaping one's identity.

Overall, Constantin Baciu's aquarelle paintings in the "Country Life" series offer a nuanced exploration of human emotions and experiences, blending nostalgia, reflection, and empathy in a visually captivating and emotionally resonant manner. Through his evocative imagery and symbolic storytelling, Baciu invites viewers to engage with the complexities of rural life and the universal themes of aging, family, childhood, and solitude.

suggested for: corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

The aquarelle paintings from Constantin Baciu's "Country Life" series offer a charming, delicate, and easy-going portrayal of rural existence, yet beneath the surface lies a deeper theme of nostalgia and self-reflection. Through evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, Baciu captures moments of introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience.

The paintings in the series depict a range of themes that touch upon universal emotions and experiences. The portrayal of elderly figures conveys a sense of wisdom, resilience, and the passage of time, evoking feelings of nostalgia and reflection on the inevitability of aging. The grandma figure symbolizes nurturance, tradition, and the ties that bind generations together, highlighting the importance of family and community in shaping one's identity

Loneliness, depicted against black backgrounds in some of Baciu's paintings, conveys a profound sense of isolation and solitude. The stark contrast of the black backdrop against the solitary figures underscores the theme of loneliness, inviting viewers to contemplate the universal experience of feeling disconnected from others and the search for connection and belonging.

suggested for: corridor, office room

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Theme and Symbolism

The aquarelle paintings from Constantin Baciu's "Country Life" series offer a charming, delicate, and easy-going portrayal of rural existence, yet beneath the surface lies a deeper theme of nostalgia and self-reflection. Through evocative imagery and emotive storytelling, Baciu captures moments of introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of human experience.

Bullying amongst children is a poignant theme that speaks to the harsh realities of childhood and the lasting impact of hurtful actions. Baciu's portrayal of this subject serves as a reminder of the need for empathy, understanding, and kindness in our interactions with others, prompting viewers to reflect on their own attitudes towards bullying and its consequences.

Overall, Constantin Baciu's aquarelle paintings in the "Country Life" series offer a nuanced exploration of human emotions and experiences, blending nostalgia, reflection, and empathy in a visually captivating and emotionally resonant manner. Through his evocative imagery and symbolic storytelling, Baciu invites viewers to engage with the complexities of rural life and the universal themes of aging, family, childhood, and solitude.

suggested for: corridor, office room

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"Happy Hour" is a remarkable handmade ceramic sculpture that combines realism and symbolism to create a captivating narrative. Colored with natural ashes, this thought-provoking piece explores the complexities of human emotions and challenges societal norms.

At first glance, the sculpture portrays the head and bust of a male figure, instantly drawing you into its enigmatic presence. But it is the controversial expression on his face that truly intrigues. With a mixture of conflicting emotions, the sculpture captures the inner turmoil and contradictions that exist within us all.

It challenges us to contemplate the multifaceted nature of human existence and to question the facade of happiness that often permeates our lives. It serves as a reminder that beneath the surface of seemingly content individuals, there may be a world of conflicting emotions and unspoken truths.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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At first glance, the sculpture may appear unremarkable, depicting an everyday individual. But it is in this very simplicity that the true power of "Time to Shine" lies. It serves as a reminder that within every seemingly ordinary person, there is a spark, a talent, or a dream waiting to be unleashed.
The title, "Time to Shine," evokes a sense of opportunity and empowerment. It speaks to the moment when one realizes their own potential and decides to step into the spotlight, embracing their unique gifts and abilities. This sculpture serves as a visual representation of that transformative moment, inspiring viewers to embrace their own journey of self-discovery and self-expression.

"Time to Shine" is a celebration of the extraordinary potential that resides within each of us, waiting to be discovered and shared with the world. It reminds us that no matter how ordinary we may appear, we all have the ability to make a meaningful impact and leave a lasting legacy.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Introducing "Positive Burnout," the captivating inaugural piece of a mesmerizing series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract masterpiece delves into the depths of the human experience, exploring the delicate balance between ambition and exhaustion.
At the center of the sculpture lies the head and bust of a female figure, her form beautifully abstracted. The choice to depict a female figure symbolizes the strength and resilience that women possess, while also acknowledging the unique challenges they face in a demanding world.

Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an ethereal quality, evoking a sense of impermanence and introspection. The ashes symbolize the remnants of past efforts and the transformative power of letting go. They remind us that even in moments of burnout, there is potential for growth and renewal.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Introducing "Positive Burnout," series the captivating inaugural piece of a mesmerizing series of handmade ceramic sculptures. Colored with natural ashes, this abstract masterpiece delves into the depths of the human experience, exploring the delicate balance between ambition and exhaustion.
Colored with natural ashes, the sculpture takes on an ethereal quality, evoking a sense of impermanence and introspection. The ashes symbolize the remnants of past efforts and the transformative power of letting go. They remind us that even in moments of burnout, there is potential for growth and renewal.

The title, "Positive Burnout," immediately sparks curiosity and intrigue. It delves into the paradoxical nature of our modern lives, where the pursuit of success and fulfillment often leads to overwhelming exhaustion. This sculpture serves as a visual representation of this phenomenon, reminding us of the delicate equilibrium we strive to achieve.

suggested for: home corridor, office room

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Theme & Symbolism

"Deleted Files of Childhood" is a series that began in March 2024, with some pieces currently in progress. These artworks delve into the impact of traumatic childhood memories on our brain structure, even if we cannot consciously recall them.
The series serves as a metaphor for how just the act of viewing these paintings can create new connections in the brain, sparking subtle but significant changes. The settings depict children's rooms with an eerie atmosphere, drawing inspiration from the unsettling "Backrooms" theory explored in various art videos. These videos present infinite, slightly different corridors and rooms, each evoking a distinct mood.
Through figures leaping out of planes, unidentifiable objects, and disorienting lights and shadows, the paintings challenge viewers to question the space and location depicted. The aim is to provoke initial confusion and inspire a deeper exploration of the forms and the enigmatic spaces portrayed. By encouraging internal interpretation and reflection, the series prompts viewers to confront their own unsettling and chaotic inner memories.

suggested for: living room, corridor, kids room

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Theme & Symbolism

"Deleted Files of Childhood" is a series that began in March 2024, with some pieces currently in progress. These artworks delve into the impact of traumatic childhood memories on our brain structure, even if we cannot consciously recall them.

The series serves as a metaphor for how just the act of viewing these paintings can create new connections in the brain, sparking subtle but significant changes. The settings depict children's rooms with an eerie atmosphere, drawing inspiration from the unsettling "Backrooms" theory explored in various art videos. These videos present infinite, slightly different corridors and rooms, each evoking a distinct mood.

Through figures leaping out of planes, unidentifiable objects, and disorienting lights and shadows, the paintings challenge viewers to question the space and location depicted. The aim is to provoke initial confusion and inspire a deeper exploration of the forms and the enigmatic spaces portrayed. By encouraging internal interpretation and reflection, the series prompts viewers to confront their own unsettling and chaotic inner memories.

suggested for: living room, corridor, office

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